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The Communications Library deals with the transmission of signals through a series of hardware components and wireless radio frequency (RF) links. It models the behavior of transmitter and receiver hardware, antenna gain patterns, the effects of wireless propagation, and the effects of multiple interfering signals. The library provides an extensible, open architecture which allows users to insert custom implementations virtually anywhere throughout a given communication system. Lastly, the end result of most communication analysis is the creation of a "link budget" as well as determining the times at which certain link budget thresholds and figures of merit are satisfied.

Note Note

The functionality described in this topic requires a license for the Communications Library.

This documentation is split into two sections, the first introduces a collection of easy to use, high-level objects that should meet the average user's requirements. This includes items such as transmitters, receivers, transponders, and transceivers. The second section delves deeper into the architecture and the individual signal processors that compose the previously mentioned higher level objects.



Basic Communications

This is the best place to start building a communications architecture. You can use transmitters, receivers, transceivers and transponders easily, as well as target them and determine their link budgets. A CommunicationSystem object handles the management of the links and creation of link budgets.

Also see the Basic Communications Code Sample for a detailed code sample of using these objects.

Advanced Communications

This topic describes the individual components used to model more advanced communications such as amplifiers, modulators, demodulators and mixers. These objects can not only be composed into higher level objects to match specific requirements, but also extended to create custom signal processors to fit users' needs.


TIREM (Terrain Integrated Rough Earth Model) is a SignalPropagationModel which can compute propagation loss as a result of irregular terrain, water, and other non-line-of-sight effects.