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Phased Array Antenna Code Sample

The following is an example of how to configure and use a phased array receiver for steering a null in the direction of jamming interference.

Note Note

The functionality described in this topic requires a license for the Communications Library.

var earth = CentralBodiesFacet.GetFromContext().Earth;
var epoch = new GregorianDate(2017, 2, 10, 17, 0, 0.0).ToJulianDate();
Vector alignmentReferenceVector = new VectorFixed(earth.InertialFrame.Axes, new Cartesian(1, 0, 0));

var analysisStartTime = epoch;
var analysisStopTime = analysisStartTime.AddSeconds(840.0);

double aircraftAltitude = 11e3;
double frequency = 14.5e9;
double transmitPower = 1000.0;
double dataRate = 1.0e6;
double jammerPower = 10000.0;

//Construct the receiver's Point and Axes
var receiverPoint = new PointCartographic(earth, new Cartographic(Trig.DegreesToRadians(-75.5966), Trig.DegreesToRadians(40.038), 0.0));
var receiverAxes = new AxesEastNorthUp(earth, receiverPoint);

//Define the waypoints for the transmitter's WaypointPropagator
var waypointTimes = new List<JulianDate> { analysisStartTime, analysisStopTime };
var waypointLocations = new List<Cartographic>
    new Cartographic(Trig.DegreesToRadians(-76.37869961),
    new Cartographic(Trig.DegreesToRadians(-74.67085047),

//Construct the transmitter's Point and Axes
var transmitterPropagator = WaypointPropagator.ConstructConstantVelocityWaypointPropagator(earth, waypointTimes, waypointLocations);
var transmitterPoint = transmitterPropagator.CreatePoint();
var transmitterToReceiver = new VectorTrueDisplacement(transmitterPoint, receiverPoint);
//Transmitter axes is targeted to the receiver location using the AxesAlignedConstrained type.
var transmitterAxes = new AxesAlignedConstrained(transmitterToReceiver, AxisIndicator.Third, alignmentReferenceVector, AxisIndicator.First);

//Construct the transmitter as a ComplexDigitalTransmitter with a Parabolic antenna gain pattern.
var transmitter = new ComplexDigitalTransmitter("DesiredTransmitter", transmitterPoint, transmitterAxes, new ModulationBpsk(),
                                                new ParabolicGainPattern(1.0, 0.75, 0.001), frequency, transmitPower, dataRate, null);

//Define the waypoints for the jamming transmitter's WaypointPropagator
waypointLocations = new List<Cartographic>
    new Cartographic(Trig.DegreesToRadians(-75.57784380),
    new Cartographic(Trig.DegreesToRadians(-75.59714152),

//Construct the jamming transmitter's Point and Axes
var jammerPropagator = WaypointPropagator.ConstructConstantVelocityWaypointPropagator(earth, waypointTimes, waypointLocations);
var jammerPoint = jammerPropagator.CreatePoint();
var jammerToReceiver = new VectorTrueDisplacement(jammerPoint, receiverPoint);
//Jamming transmitter's axes is targeted to the receiver location using the AxesAlignedConstrained type.
var jammerAxes = new AxesAlignedConstrained(jammerToReceiver, AxisIndicator.Third, alignmentReferenceVector, AxisIndicator.First);

//Construct the jamming transmitter as a ComplexDigitalTransmitter with same configuration as the desired transmitter.
var jammer = new ComplexDigitalTransmitter("Jammer", jammerPoint, jammerAxes, new ModulationBpsk(),
                                           new ParabolicGainPattern(1.0, 0.75, 0.001), frequency, jammerPower, dataRate, null);

//Construct the receiver's PhasedArrayGainPattern and initialize with the 9 array elements.
var phasedArray = new PhasedArrayGainPattern();
phasedArray.ElementPattern.Add(new PhasedArrayElement(-0.5, -0.5));
phasedArray.ElementPattern.Add(new PhasedArrayElement(-0.5, 0.0));
phasedArray.ElementPattern.Add(new PhasedArrayElement(-0.5, 0.5));
phasedArray.ElementPattern.Add(new PhasedArrayElement(0.0, -0.5));
phasedArray.ElementPattern.Add(new PhasedArrayElement(0.0, 0.0));
phasedArray.ElementPattern.Add(new PhasedArrayElement(0.0, 0.5));
phasedArray.ElementPattern.Add(new PhasedArrayElement(0.5, -0.5));
phasedArray.ElementPattern.Add(new PhasedArrayElement(0.5, 0.0));
phasedArray.ElementPattern.Add(new PhasedArrayElement(0.5, 0.5));
phasedArray.DesignFrequency = frequency;

//Initialize the phased array's element factor
phasedArray.ElementFactor = new CosineExponentElementFactor(1.0, 0.25);

//Construct the receiver's front end filter.
var filter = new RectangularFilter();
filter.Frequency = frequency;
filter.LowerBandwidthLimit = -1.0e6;
filter.UpperBandwidthLimit = 1.0e6;

//Construct the receiver's front end amplifier
var amplifier = new ConstantGainAmplifier();
amplifier.Gain = 1000.0;

//Construct the receiver as a ComplexReceiver type.
var receiver = new ComplexReceiver("Receiver", receiverPoint, receiverAxes, amplifier, phasedArray);
receiver.Filter = filter;

//Construct the desired link and jamming link and add the WirelessLinkExtension to enable communications modeling.
var desiredLink = new LinkInstantaneous(transmitter, receiver);
desiredLink.Extensions.Add(new WirelessLinkExtension());
var jammerLink = new LinkInstantaneous(jammer, receiver);
jammerLink.Extensions.Add(new WirelessLinkExtension());

//Construct the SignalPropagationGraph and add the desired and jamming links.
var graph = new SignalPropagationGraph();

//Construct the intended signal strategy as an IntendedSingalByTransmitter with the desired transmitter instance.
var intendedSignalStrategy = new IntendedSignalByTransmitter(transmitter);

//Construct the MVDR beamformer and assign to the phased array instance.
var mvdrBeamformer = new MinimumVarianceDistortionlessResponseBeamformer();
phasedArray.Beamformer = mvdrBeamformer;

//Construct a new instance of the LinkDirectionsProvider and add the desired link to the provider's list of links.
var linkDirectionsProvider =  new LinkDirectionsProvider();
linkDirectionsProvider.TimeObserver = receiver;
//Assign the directions provider to the beam directions of the MVDR beamformer.  This will cause the MVDR to try to form a beam in the desired transmitter's direction.
mvdrBeamformer.BeamDirectionsProvider = linkDirectionsProvider;

//Construct an instance of the ScalarCarrierToNoisePlusInterference communications scalar in order to compute C/(N+I) for the case where there is no null steering (for comparison purposes).
var carrierToNoisePlusInterferenceNoNullSteeringScalar = new ScalarCarrierToNoisePlusInterference(receiver, graph, intendedSignalStrategy);
var carrierToNoisePlusInterferenceNoNullSteeringEvaluator = carrierToNoisePlusInterferenceNoNullSteeringScalar.GetEvaluator();

//Add the constant weight link extension. This determines the weight assigned to this jammer when forming the corresponding null.
jammerLink.Extensions.Add(new ScalarWeightLinkExtension(10000.0));

//Construct a new instance of the LinkDirectionsProvider and add the jammer link to the provider's list of links.
linkDirectionsProvider = new LinkDirectionsProvider();
linkDirectionsProvider.TimeObserver = receiver;
//Assign the directions provider to the null directions of the MVDR beamformer.  This will cause the MVDR to try to form a null in the jammer transmitter's direction.
mvdrBeamformer.NullDirectionsProvider = linkDirectionsProvider;

//Construct an instance of the ScalarCarrierToNoisePlusInterference communications scalar in order to compute C/(N+I) for the case where we are nulling the jammer transmitter.
var carrierToNoisePlusInterferenceNullSteeringScalar = new ScalarCarrierToNoisePlusInterference(receiver, graph, intendedSignalStrategy);
var carrierToNoisePlusInterferenceNullSteeringEvaluator = carrierToNoisePlusInterferenceNullSteeringScalar.GetEvaluator();

var cOverNPlusINullSteeringValues = new List<double>();
var cOverNPlusINoNullSteeringValues = new List<double>();
var difference = new List<double>();

//Compute the C/(N+I) values over the desired analysis interval and compare.
double stepSize = 60.0;
var computeTime = analysisStartTime;
while (computeTime < analysisStopTime)
    var cOverNPlusINullSteering = CommunicationAnalysis.ToDecibels(carrierToNoisePlusInterferenceNullSteeringEvaluator.Evaluate(computeTime));

    var cOverNPlusINoNullSteering = CommunicationAnalysis.ToDecibels(carrierToNoisePlusInterferenceNoNullSteeringEvaluator.Evaluate(computeTime));

    difference.Add(Math.Abs(cOverNPlusINullSteering - cOverNPlusINoNullSteering));
    computeTime = computeTime.AddSeconds(stepSize);