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AGI.Foundation.Stk Namespace

Contains types for interoperating with the STK desktop application and related data.
Public classStkAttitudeFile

Reads from and writes to STK attitude (.a) files. STK attitude files can express orientation and angular velocity, and are useful for getting this type of data into and out of STK.

To read an STK attitude file, call the ReadFrom(String) method to read the data into memory, and then call the CreateAxes method to create a time-varying Axes representing the attitude data in the file.

You can also build an StkAttitudeFile instance by calling the various Configure... methods such as ConfigureFromAxesInterpolator(AxesInterpolator). Once you've built an appropriate StkAttitudeFile instance, you can save it to a file or another stream by calling WriteTo(TextWriter).

Public classStkAttitudeFileAttitude
The base class for attitude data.
Public classStkAttitudeFileAttitudeTimeQuatAngVels
A class that holds the data in the attitude file when the attitude file is in the "AttitudeTimeQuatAngVels" format.
Public classStkAttitudeFileAttitudeTimeQuaternions
A class that holds the data in the attitude file when the attitude file is in the "AttitudeTimeQuaternions" or "AttitudeTimeQuatScalarFirst" format.
Public classStkAttitudeFileAttitudeTimeQuatScalarFirst
A class that holds the data in the attitude file when the attitude file is in the "AttitudeTimeQuatScalarFirst" format.
Public classStkAttitudeFileOptions
Specifies options for reading and creating an StkAttitudeFile.
Public classCode exampleStkCityDatabase
Provides access to an STK city database.
Public classStkCityDatabaseEntry
Contains information about a city in a StkCityDatabase.
Public classCode exampleStkCityDatabaseQuery
A query to be run against a StkCityDatabase.
Public classStkDatabaseFrequencyRange
Represents a range of frequencies in an STK database file.
Public classCode exampleStkEphemerisFile

Reads from and writes to STK ephemeris (.e) files. STK ephemeris files can express position, velocity, acceleration, and covariance information, and are useful for getting this type of data into and out of STK.

To read an STK ephemeris file, call the ReadFrom(String) method to read the data into memory, and then call the CreatePoint method to create a time-varying Point representing the ephemeris data in the file. Similarly, call CreateCovarianceInterpolator to obtain the Covariance3By3SizeAndOrientationInterpolator representing the covariance data in the file.

You can also build an StkEphemerisFile instance by calling the various Configure... methods such as ConfigureFromPointInterpolator(PointInterpolator). Once you've built an appropriate StkEphemerisFile instance, you can save it to a file or another stream by calling WriteTo(TextWriter).

Public classStkEphemerisFileCovariance
The base class for covariance data.
Public classStkEphemerisFileCovarianceTimePos
A class that holds the covariance data in the ephemeris file when the ephemeris file is in the "CovarianceTimePos" format.
Public classStkEphemerisFileCovarianceTimePosVel
A class that holds the covariance data in the ephemeris file when the ephemeris file is in the "CovarianceTimePosVel" format.
Public classStkEphemerisFileEphemeris
The base class for ephemeris data.
Public classStkEphemerisFileEphemerisLLATimePos
A class that holds the data in the ephemeris file when the ephemeris file is in the "EphemerisLLATimePos" format.
Public classStkEphemerisFileEphemerisLLATimePosVel
A class that holds the data in the ephemeris file when the ephemeris file is in the "EphemerisLLATimePosVel" format.
Public classStkEphemerisFileEphemerisLLRTimePos
A class that holds the data in the ephemeris file when the ephemeris file is in the "EphemerisLLRTimePos" format.
Public classStkEphemerisFileEphemerisLLRTimePosVel
A class that holds the data in the ephemeris file when the ephemeris file is in the "EphemerisLLRTimePosVel" format.
Public classStkEphemerisFileEphemerisTimePos
A class that holds the data in the ephemeris file when the ephemeris file is in the "EphemerisTimePos" format.
Public classStkEphemerisFileEphemerisTimePosVel
A class that holds the data in the ephemeris file when the ephemeris file is in the "EphemerisTimePosVel" format.
Public classStkEphemerisFileEphemerisTimePosVelAcc
A class that holds the data in the ephemeris file when the ephemeris file is in the "EphemerisTimePosVelAcc" format.
Public classStkEphemerisFileOptions
This class contains options for reading and creating an StkEphemerisFile.
Public classCode exampleStkFacilityDatabase
Provides access to an STK facility database.
Public classStkFacilityDatabaseEntry
Contains information about a facility in a StkFacilityDatabase.
Public classCode exampleStkFacilityDatabaseQuery
A query to be run against a StkFacilityDatabase.
Public classStkPatternFile

Reads from STK custom sensor pattern (.pattern) files. STK pattern files can express a custom sensor pattern for use with a sensor attached to a vehicle, facility, place or target in STK and are useful for getting this type of data into and out of STK.

To read an STK pattern file, call the ReadFrom(String) method to read the data into memory, and then call the CreateCustomSensorPattern method to create a CustomSensorPattern representing the pattern data in the file.

Public classStkPatternFilePattern
The base class for pattern data.
Public classStkPatternFilePatternAngleOffBoresight
Holds the data in the pattern file when the file is in the "AngleOffBoresight" format.
Public classStkPatternFilePatternAzElMask
Holds the data in the pattern file when the file is in the "AzElMask" format.
Public classStkPatternFilePatternReferencePlane
Holds the data in the pattern file when the file is in the "ReferencePlane" format.
Public classStkPatternFileOptions
Specifies options for reading and creating a StkPatternFile.
Public classCode exampleStkSatelliteDatabase
Provides access to an STK satellite database.
Public classStkSatelliteDatabaseEntry
Contains information about a satellite in a StkSatelliteDatabase.
Public classCode exampleStkSatelliteDatabaseQuery
A query to be run against a StkSatelliteDatabase.
Public enumerationCityType
Indicates the type of a city in a StkCityDatabase.
Public enumerationCovarianceReadOptions
An enumerator describing the different options for reading Covariance from an ephemeris file.
Public enumerationStkAttitudeFileVersion
Indicates the possible versions of an STK attitude file.
Public enumerationStkEphemerisFileDistanceUnit
The supported distance units of measure for ephemeris and covariance information.
Public enumerationStkEphemerisFileStkTimeFormat
The supported time formats for ephemeris and covariance information.
Public enumerationStkEphemerisFileVersion
Indicates the possible versions of an STK ephemeris file.
Public enumerationStkPatternFileVersion
Indicates the possible versions of an STK pattern file.
Public enumerationStkSatelliteDatabaseType
Indicates the type of StkSatelliteDatabase to download from an AGI server. AGI maintains several satellite database files, updated daily, each of which contains a different set of data.