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Matrix3By3 Properties

The Matrix3By3 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberIdentity
Gets a Matrix3By3 representing an identity transformation.
Public propertyIsUndefined
Gets a value indicating whether any of the matrix values are NaN.
Public propertyItem
Accesses the matrix elements using zero-based indexing.
Public propertyM11
Gets the element in the first row, first column.
Public propertyM12
Gets the element in the first row, second column.
Public propertyM13
Gets the element in the first row, third column.
Public propertyM21
Gets the element in the second row, first column.
Public propertyM22
Gets the element in the second row, second column.
Public propertyM23
Gets the element in the second row, third column.
Public propertyM31
Gets the element in the third row, first column.
Public propertyM32
Gets the element in the third row, second column.
Public propertyM33
Gets the element in the third row, third column.
Public propertyStatic memberUndefined
Gets a Matrix3By3 with elements of NaN.
Public propertyStatic memberZero
Gets a Matrix3By3 representing the zero matrix.
See Also