Known Issues in ODTK Version 7.8

You should be aware of the following limitations and unresolved issues affecting ODTK as of the date of this release.

Known Issues
Tracking No. Description
07071 Tracker satellites cannot share tracking IDs with GPS constellation PRN numbers. If a scenario contains both an optical tracker satellite and a GPS constellation and the tracker satellite has a tracking ID between 1-36, the tracking ID will become ambiguous.
23349 LaunchPad doesn't format dates in local format. It always uses MM/DD/YYYY, even if your machine is configured to show dates as DD/MM/YYYY.
30517 The Plugins tab does not refresh the SupportsSave column. When you add a new plugin tracking data reader and click Apply, the column labeled SupportsSave is not refreshed. By default, the value in this column is false, but after you add a new tracking data reader that supports save, then the value in this column should be true. You must dismiss the panel and pull it back up to get the correct value.
31034 After a long predict, the covariance is quite large. A very large measurement update can drive the filter covariance negative.
31802 A GPS constellation object does not populate the PRNList until properties are applied. We suggest that when you first assign a source file to a GPS constellation, you press Apply before double-clicking on the PRNList to view its contents.
32139 State File To SP3 utility limits output to GPSSatellites named PRN01, PRN02, etc.
42672 Dynamic Earth Data does not use file find paths. Do not attempt to change the location from the default location.
100422 When using native support for 4K displays, the Object Properties tree [+] and [-] boxes do not scale properly and will appear very small.
110488 In deep space mode, the simulator runs in two stages. In the first stage, it generates ephemeris over the analysis period plus an interval of time before the analysis period to account for light time delay (LTD). The simulator ignores any maneuvers in this LTD interval, so any measurements generated under the case where the signal would have been at the satellite before the end of the maneuver will be incorrectly modeled.
113157 Adding non-EOP txt files, particularly SOLFSMY.txt, to the EOP properties causes ODTK to crash rather than just producing an error.
114299 If any type of Doppler measurement that uses an integration interval contains a maneuver boundary within the integration interval, the measurement model will generate an erroneous result. This can result in Filter divergence in certain conditions.
116805 When a text export fails, ODTK displays old content from a previous successful run. This could be misleading if you are not aware of the failure.
117007 ODTK does not expose the alias system for emitters, even though tracking data providers send in the emitter tracking IDs.
117471 If you have a satellite going around the Earth and you add an IOD object, ODTK will associate that IOD object with the Earth. If you change the central body for the satellite, the IOD object will not realize it. If you then run the IOD, the solution will be Earth centered when you really want the center to be a different central body.
119144 You cannot cut objects from the Object Browser.
120159 For SB TDOA/FDOA measurements, in order to have ODTK account for antenna locations, you must have transponders on the satellites that have their type set to "relay". You also need to select antennas as default antennas for their respective transponders.