Least Squares Output

You can set the following output options a Least Squares (LS) run:

LS Output Options
Parameter Description
Filename Click in the value column to display a selection window in which you can specify a path and file name (*.lsrun) for LS output.

This property enables you to control how much data is written to the output summary file that LS creates when it runs. Options are:

  • All Iterations - The file contains detailed information about each measurement processed for every iteration in the LS process, plus summaries of residuals for each iteration for each measurement type.
  • Initial and Final - The file contains detailed residual information for measurements only for the first and last iterations, plus the summaries.

    If the LS process fails to converge, ODTK only displays the Initial iteration residuals.

  • Summaries Only - The file contains only the summaries for each iteration and not any of the detailed measurement residuals.

Use this option to have ODTK write a satellite state to the .lsrun file. If ODTK writes the satellite state, then you can difference the .lsrun file with the filter, smoother, and simulator. Also, in any given run, ODTK can only write the state from a single iteration.

  • Last Iteration - Write the state from the last iteration
  • First Iteration - Write the state from the first iteration
  • False - Do not write the state
SuccessfulRun This is a read-only field that indicates whether LS processing has been run successfully (true) or not (false).
OrbitState Set the OrbitState property to Cartesian or Keplerian, as desired. Read-only fields will display changes in the orbit state when you run LS.
ForceModelList Shows the force model parameter estimates resulting from the LS Run. For each force model parameter (such as ballistic coefficient and solar pressure coefficient), ODTK displays a flag indicating if the parameter is estimated, the original value, computed correction, the final value, and the uncertainty in the final value. The estimation of force model parameters is controlled by the satellite settings and the EstimateBCoeff and EstimateCr settings in the LeastSquares Stages list.
MeasBiasList Shows the measurement bias estimates resulting from the LS Run. For each estimated bias, ODTK displays the original value, computed correction, and final value. ODTK only displays the Measurement Biases solved for. The estimation of measurement biases is controlled by the measurement statistics of tracker objects (facilities and satellites) and the EstimateMeasBias setting in the LeastSquares Stages list.

Configure the STKEphemeris attribute to generate the ephemeris for each satellite over the LS fit span, or during a prediction period starting at the end of the fit span, or both, written to the specified output directory as


Where TIME is:

  • Process start, which is the start time of the current stage
  • Process stop, which is the end time of the current stage
  • Predict start, which is the end time of the current stage
  • Predict stop, which is the prediction end time

The ephemeris is the reference ephemeris used during least squares for generating residuals. To see a read-only list of all ephemeris files created for this least squares object, click next to the Files property.


Provides controls for which solved-for states will be transferred to the Satellite during the Transfer-To-Satellite operation. Estimation state options include the Position/Velocity of the satellite, solved-for drag states and solved-for solar pressure states. There is also an option to transfer the Position/Velocity covariance from the least squares solution. If selected, ODTK may apply scale factors for position and velocity state uncertainties during the transfer process to help account for the generally optimistic nature of covariance computed during least squares estimation. Scale factors are specified in sigma space, meaning that ODTK will square them for application to the covariance matrix. Finally, you may transition the solution state to a different time prior to transferring it to the satellite. By default, the transfer epoch will be set the same as the solution epoch, but you can also set it to the beginning, end, or midpoint of the final processing stage or to a user-defined time. ODTK performs covariance scaling after the transition from the solution epoch to the transfer epoch.

To successfully transfer a solution state to a parent satellite, you must use the same central body for both the solution and the satellite. ODTK will check this and display an error in the Message Viewer if the central body is different for the two.

You cannot tranfer measurement bias solutions.

TransBiasList Shows the transponder bias estimates resulting from the LS run. For each estimated bias, ODTK displays the original value, computed corrections, and final value. ODTK only displays the transponder biases solved for.

The Generate control defaults to "false". Toggle it to "true" to have ODTK generate a debug file of the state content for each stage of a Least Squares run. For each iteration, the file will produce the following debug information :

  • Initial state
  • Measurement partial matrix (H)
  • Measurement time, full tracking strand, measurement type, residual, and weight for each accepted measurement
  • Computed state correction

All numbers appear in state units. Range values, such as residuals and weights, appear as two-way values.