
This attribute defaults and resets options for satellite ephemerides output from the Satellite, Simulator, Filter, VLS, and Smoother objects.


This control defaults and resets the coordinate frame selection for satellite ephemerides output from the Satellite, Simulator, Filter, VLS, and Smoother objects. This control is a fixed set with one default coordinate frame setting for each central body choice. Use this parameter to default the Satellite.EphemerisGeneration.CoordFrame attribute as well as the *. Output.STKEphemeris.DuringProcess.CoordFrame controls for * = Simulator, Filter, VLS, and Filter.

CoordFrame Attribute Settings
Parameter Description
CBName This is the central body name (Earth, Moon, or Sun) associated with the coordinate frame selection. It is a read-only parameter.
CoordFrame This is the coordinate frame for ODTK to use for a spacecraft with initial conditions referenced to the associated central body. For Earth, choose one of the following: ICRF, J2000, TEMEofDate, or Fixed. For Sun, choose one of the following: ICRF, J2000, or Fixed. For satellites with initial conditions referenced to the Moon, choose one of the following: ICRF, J2000, Fixed, Mean Earth, or Inertial.

When the CoordFrame is applied in the GUI, not only will new object ephemeris output coordinate frames be defaulted to these settings, but ephemeris output coordinate frame settings for existing objects will also be reset, such as when CoordFrame control is changed through scripting.

Here is an example of changing CoordFrame through scripting without resetting the existing object coordinate frame settings:

	Set frame = ODTK.Scenario(0).SatEphemeris.CoordFrame(0).CoordFrame
	Frame .CoordFrame = "Fixed"
You can reset them using the scenario SetEphCoordFrame attribute function, e.g.
	set bRet = SetEphCoordFrame ("Earth", "Fixed")


These are parameters to support the writing of the CCSDS 502 ephemeris message file format (*.oem).

Reference Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Orbit Data Messages, CCSDS 502.0-B-2. ODTK supports OEM version 2 optional covariance, but not optional acceleration.

CCSDS Attribute Settings
Parameter Description
OriginatorThis is the message originator string identifier, which defaults to "ODTK". When the default is used, the "ORIGINATOR" keyword will be set to the ODTK process that generated the message.
DateFormatSelect the ISO/CCSDS ASCII date format.
  • YMD = day of month format, e.g., 2009-12-18T14:28:15.1172
  • YDOY= day of year format, e.g., 2009-277T07:22:54
TimePrecisionSpecify the number of "seconds" decimal digits to the right of the decimal point (0-10)/.
EphemerisFormatChoose the format for position and velocity output.
  • SciNotation = Scientific Notation
  • FloatingPoint = FloatingPoint
OutputVersionSpecify the OEM version identifier when writing a CCSDS OEM file. It may be 1.0 or 2.0. Files designated 1.0 will not include any covariance data, even if requested by the object’s Output.STKEphemeris properties. This parameter is not used when reading an OEM file; in this case, the version number in the file is used.