Simulator Outputs

The following options are available for managing simulator output:

Simulator Output
Option Description
Measurements.Filename Click the current value to display a file selection window, where you can specify the path and filename of the measurement file to which the simulator measurements are to be written.
Measurements.AliasMapping This only appears when the Measurements.Filename setting indicates a file format that uses Tracking ID strings instead of integers, such as the CCSDS TDM format. When available, select the Alias Mapping to be used to convert integer tracking IDs into tracking ID strings. In cases where no alias mapping is selected or if a specific object does not support the selected alias mapping, the integer ID is simply formatted as a string for use in the output file.

Option to reset the Scenario Measurement Files list upon successful conclusion of the simulator run.

If set to true (the default):

  • The simulator measurement file(s) will be added to the scenario measurement file list (if not already included).
  • The simulator measurement file(s) enable flag will be set to true in the scenario measurement file list.
  • The enable flags for any other measurement files in the scenario list will be set to false.

If set to false:

  • No change will be made to the scenario file list.
Measurements.AdditionalFiles A scripting aid to tell if the simulator had to create additional files to store the generated measurements. This would be the case, for instance, if the user specified a GEOSC file as the output format and then generated GPS measurements in addition to ground tracking.
Measurements.Files A list of the user-specified file and any additional files created by the simulator.
Measurements.OutputByPass When true, observations for each pass will be output to a separate file. A pass is a series of tracking measurements for a (tracker, primary object) where the primary object is nominally the satellite being tracked. A pass is terminated when the gap between successive measurements exceeds the "MinPassDelta" property given in the primary object properties. The Measurements.Filename is used as a proxy for the name(s) of the output files.

Let the Measurements.Filename="<Basename>.<ext>"

Then the output files will be named in the form:

<Basename>_<tracker name>_<primary object id>_<start time>_<end time>.<ext>


<tracker name> is the unique alphanumeric name of the tracker

<primary object id> is the tracking id of the primary object

<start time> is the UTC time of first observation in the pass

<end time> is the UTC time of the last observation in the pass

The time is output in the form yymmdd_hhmmss

For example:
Let Measurements.Filename = "\user\ODTK 6\Tracking Data\Scen1.gobs

Then the following would be a possible output file:

\user\ODTK 6\TrackingData\Scen1_TrkSys1.FacA_1001_2016_0922_150700_2016_0922_160000.gobs
<------Basename------> <tracker> <id> <------start time------> <------end time------><ext>
DataArchive Various Data Archive options are available.

Configure the STKEphemeris attribute to output the truth ephemeris for each satellite, written to the Ephemeris directory as

<satname>_Truth_<SIM START TIME>.ext

Where ext is one of the following:

  • e - when using STK Ephemeris formt
  • oem - when using CCSDS 502 format
The truth ephemeris is the internal reference ephemeris created by the simulator for generating measurements. To see a read-only list of all ephemeris files created for this simulator object, click next to the Files property.

Only applies to scenarios containing one or more Constellation objects where Constellation.SVEstimated states include the ephemeris and clock.

The SP3Ephemeris parameter is used to optionally reformat the output ephemeris and clock data into a sp3 ( file. One file is generated for each Constellation object for which ephemeris and clocks were estimated.

You can generate the sp3 data over:

  1. The process interval only, or
  2. The predict interval only, or
  3. The process & predict interval

Data over the process interval requires that STKEphemeris be generated over the process interval and that clock data be added to the process run file.

Data over the predict interval requires that the STKEphemeris be generated over the predict interval.

The granularity for the STKEphemeris may be different than the SP3 ephemeris.

The output file name is in the form:

<GNSS Name>_<Process Type>_yyymmdd_hhmmss.sp3


<Process_Type> = “Truth”| “Filter| “Smoother”
yyymmdd_hhmmss refers to the start time of the SP3 file in Scenario.Units.DateFormat system.

Example filename is:
