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JulianDate Methods

The JulianDate type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd
Adds a Duration to this Julian date, producing a new Julian date.
Public methodAddClamped
Adds a Duration to this Julian date, producing a new Julian date. Unlike Add(Duration), this method will clamp the result to the valid range of values for JulianDate rather than throwing an exception. In most cases, Add(Duration) should be used instead.
Public methodAddDays
Adds the specified number of days to this date and returns the new date.
Public methodAddHours
Adds the specified number of hours to this date and returns the new date.
Public methodAddMinutes
Adds the specified number of minutes to this date and returns the new date.
Public methodAddSeconds
Adds the specified number of seconds to this date and returns the new date.
Public methodCompareTo(JulianDate)
Compares this instance with another instance of the same type.
Public methodCompareTo(Object)
Compares this instance with another instance of the same type.
Public methodDaysDifference
Computes the number of days that have elapsed from this Julian date to the other Julian date.
Public methodEquals(JulianDate)
Returns true if this date exactly equals another date. To be considered equal, the Day and SecondsOfDay properties must be identical when converted to a common time standard. It is highly recommended that you use EqualsEpsilon(JulianDate, Double) or IsIdentical(JulianDate) instead of this method.
Public methodEquals(Object)
Returns true if this date exactly equals another date. To be considered equal, the Day and SecondsOfDay properties must be identical when converted to a common time standard. It is highly recommended that you use EqualsEpsilon(JulianDate, Double) or IsIdentical(JulianDate) instead of this method.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object).)
Public methodEqualsEpsilon
Returns true if this date is within epsilon seconds of the specified date. That is, in order for the dates to be considered equal (and for this function to return true), the absolute value of the difference between them, in seconds, must be less than or equal to epsilon.
Public methodStatic memberGetCenterOfWindow
Divides time into windows, each of length windowLength seconds, with the first window centered on referenceEpoch. Then, identifies which window contains date and returns the date that is at the center of that window. This is helpful for computing a discrete value for a range of Julian dates.
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns a hash code for this instance, which is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsIdentical
Returns true if this date is identical to another date. Unlike Equals(JulianDate), this method will consider two dates with different time standards to be different even if the dates represent the same moment when expressed in the same time standard.
Public methodStatic memberJulianDateToYearFraction
Computes the fraction of the year corresponding to the given Julian date.
Public methodMinutesDifference
Computes the number of minutes that have elapsed from this Julian date to the other Julian date.
Public methodSecondsDifference
Computes the number of seconds that have elapsed from this Julian date to the other Julian date.
Public methodSubtract(Duration)
Subtracts a Duration from this Julian date, producing a new Julian date.
Public methodSubtract(JulianDate)
Subtracts another Julian date from this Julian date.
Public methodSubtractDays
Subtracts the specified number of days from this date and returns the new date.
Public methodSubtractHours
Subtracts the specified number of hours from this date and returns the new date.
Public methodSubtractMinutes
Subtracts the specified number of minutes from this date and returns the new date.
Public methodSubtractSeconds
Subtracts the specified number of seconds to this date and returns the new date.
Public methodToDateTime
Converts this JulianDate to a .NET standard DateTime with a default time standard of Coordinated Universal Time.
Public methodToDateTime(TimeStandard)
Converts this JulianDate to a .NET standard DateTime expressed in the specified time standard.
Public methodToGregorianDate
Converts this JulianDate to a GregorianDate with a default time standard of Coordinated Universal Time.
Public methodToGregorianDate(TimeStandard)
Converts this JulianDate to a GregorianDate expressed in the specified time standard.
Public methodToString
Returns the value of this JulianDate in the standard format.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString.)
Public methodToTimeStandard
Converts this JulianDate to the specified time standard.
Public methodTryConvertTimeStandard
Try to convert this JulianDate to the specified TimeStandard, if the specified TimeStandard is capable of representing this time.
See Also