Description | Example | Return message | GroupAddAttitudeAngVels

AddAttitude AngVels

Adds attitude data based on a time-ordered set of angular velocities.


AddAttitude <ObjectPath> AngVels {TimeLimitInstant} <XAngVel> <YAngVel> <ZAngVel>


Use the AddAttitude AngVels command to modify the attitude of a vehicle using angular velocity attitude data.

The angular velocity values, <XAngVel> <YAngVel> <ZAngVel>, are entered in degrees/second, and represent the angular velocity vector expressed in body components. The resulting attitude is a constant rate spin (computed as the magnitude of the angular velocity vector) about a fixed direction in the body axes (specified by the direction of the angular velocity vector). This attitude is used from the time of the last data point until the input StartTime specified.

For valid {TimeLimitInstant} values see Time Options.

The AddAttitude AngVels command is similar to using an external attitude profile, except that the points are entered one at a time using this command.

At least one attitude data point must be added before using the AddAttitude AngVels command, otherwise the command will NACK.

Multiple inputs of attitude data must be entered with increasing times. If you attempt to enter attitude data that is dated prior to existing attitude data, the new entry is ignored. To clear old data, use the SetAttitude ClearData command.


The following commands will add three points to Satellite1's attitude:

AddAttitude */Satellite/Satellite1 Euler "1 Jul 2007 12:00:00.00" 321 0.0 0.0 0.0
AddAttitude */Satellite/Satellite1 AngVels "1 Jul 2007 12:00:10.00" 3.0 4.0 6.0
AddAttitude */Satellite/Satellite1 AngVels "1 Jul 2007 12:00:20.00" -3.0 -4.0 -6.0

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

