Description | Example | Return message | Group

Cov Asset

Identify and manage assets for a coverage definition


Cov <CovDefnObjectPath> Asset <AssetObjectPath> {Action}


Use the Cov command with the Asset {CovOption} to manage assets for a coverage definition. Assets are used to provide coverage to a coverage area. <AssetObjectPath> is the path of the asset of interest.

AssignAssign an asset to a coverage definition

If the asset being assigned is a Constellation and any children of the Constellation are already assigned as assets, these individual assignments will be removed and the Constellation will take precedence.

DeassignRemove an asset from a coverage definition
ActivateInclude an assigned asset in consideration for coverage calculations
DeactivateRemove a selected asset from consideration without removing access information from the coverage calculations
GroupGroups assets that are members of a constellation so that accesses from members of the constellation are considered as accesses from a single asset (the constellation or chain)
SeparateSeparates assets so that accesses from members of the constellation are considered independently
Require {On | Off}Indicate whether access to a particular asset is required. Valid accesses for coverage must simultaneously have access to all required assets.
UseConstellationConstraints {On | Off}Indicate whether constraints set on a constellation will be used by Coverage. The setting is valid for Constellations and Chains that end in a constellation.

The Group and Separate {Actions} only work for cases where the asset being addressed is a constellation or a chain ending in a constellation.

For area calculations, <CovDefnObjectPath> is a coverage definition object. The Cov Asset command is also available for calculating single-object coverage. For single-object coverage, <CovDefnObjectPath> can be a facility, place, target, vehicle (any type), sensor, receiver, transmitter or radar.

To use an asset in a coverage calculation, that asset must be assigned to the coverage definition object and be active. Newly assigned assets are active unless they are explicitly deactivated. If the asset is assigned but deactivated, it is not used in calculations.

No change occurs if you send an Activate or Deactivate {Action} but haven't assigned the asset yet.


To assign the ERS1 satellite as an asset of the Tropics coverage definition, then activate that asset:

Cov */CoverageDefinition/Tropics Asset */Satellite/ERS1 Assign
Cov */CoverageDefinition/Tropics Asset */Satellite/ERS1 Activate

To consider the objects that make up the LandSatConst group to be a single asset when computing accesses:

Cov */CoverageDefinition/Europe Asset */Constellation/LandSatConst Group

To assign AllSatellites of the SatCol SatelliteCollection as assets:

Cov */CoverageDefinition/Cov Asset */SatelliteCollection/SatCol/Subset/AllSatellites Assign

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

