Description | Example | Return message | Group

Cov_R Inspector

Return information about points or regions in the coverage grid


Cov_R <ObjectPath> Inspector {GridOption} <Parameters>


Use the Cov_R command and the Inspector {ReturnOption} to obtain information about a specific point or region in the coverage grid. {GridOption} and <Parameters> can be:

Point<Latitude> <Longitude>

For a coverage definition object, Connect returns simple area and access information. For a figure of merit object, Connect also returns the static value of the figure of merit for that point.


To obtain access and area information about a point in the Tropics coverage grid:

Cov_R */CoverageDefinition/Tropics Inspector Point 0.0 0.0

Return message

If activated, Connect returns a message that contains access and area information for the point or region requested, as illustrated in the following example:
ACK COV_R 96 Point Location (Lat/Lon): 0.0000 / 3.0000 Point Area: 4.95397879e+05 km^2 Point is not covered

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


