Description | Example | Return message | Group

Cov_RM GridPoints

Returns the grid points being used for the specified coverage definition


Cov_RM <CovDefnObjectPath> GridPoints


The Cov_RM command with the GridPoints {CovOption} returns information about the grid points being used for the coverage definition object.

Each line consists of Region Number, Level Number, Latitude and Longitude. Latitude and longitude are in degrees.


To find out about the grid points for the Americas coverage definition:

Cov_RM */CoverageDefinition/Americas GridPoints

Return message

If activated, Connect returns a message that contains access and area information for the point requested, as illustrated in the following example:
COV_RM 5 1459 COV_RM 25 1 15.7991 31.2000 COV_RM 25 1 1 15.7991 36.0000 COV_RM 25 1 1 15.7991 40.8000 COV_RM 25 1 1 22.3267 31.2000 COV_RM 25 1 1 22.3267 36.0000 COV_RM 25 1 1 22.3267 40.8000 COV_RM 25 1 1 28.8543 31.2000 ...

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


