Description | Example | Return message | Group

Define (Planet)

Define the basic properties of a planet


Define <PlanetObjectPath> {Method} <Parameters>


The Define command allows you to define a planet and its ephemerides, by indicating the {Method} by which the planet will be defined and supplying the <Parameters> necessary to do so. Valid {Methods} and their associated <Parameters> are outlined below.

CentralBody{CBName} [{EphemerisSource}] [Rename]

Specify a planet ephemeris file, with a .pe extension.

"<FilePath>" can be the path to a file on your local drive or the path to a file on an SDF server. See Specifying Paths for "<SDFFilePath>" syntax information.

{CBName} can be the name of any registered central body. Valid values for the optional {EphemerisSource} parameter are outlined in the following Table:

DefaultUse STK's internal definition of the celestial body to generate ephemeris. By default, STK's internal definition uses the DE file if available.
JPLDE430 database: ephemeris for each planet in the solar system plus Pluto, the Sun, and the Earth's Moon. Ephemerides, supplied by JPL, cover a time span from 1960 to 2060.
SPICEUse SPICE ephemeris file (*.bsp) has been loaded for this planet. All SPICE ephemeris files in the <STK install folder>\STKData\Spice and the <STK user area>\Config\Spice directories are loaded automatically when STK starts.
AnalyticUse an analytic propagator. Available when orbital elements are known for the celestial body about its parent.

Use the optional Rename parameter if you want the Planet's name to be the same as that of the body it represents (e.g. you want to call Mars "Mars").

The JPL option provides the location of the barycenter of a planetary system, whereas the SPICE toolkit option provides the location of the planet's center.


Define */Planet/Planet1 CentralBody Jupiter

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Stars & Planets

