Description | Example | Return message | Group


Return information about Electro-optical infrared sensing for a vehicle.


EOIR_R <VehPath> {Options}

Related commands


Return information about EOIR settings for a vehicle.

This command is valid for Satellite, Aircraft, and Missile only.

For Satellite and Aircraft objects, enter a {ShapeOption} as described in the table below.

ShapeReturn the shape type and it's parameters, if applicable. The parameters are returned in Connect distance units.

See the EOIR command for details of the parameters for each shape type.

TemperatureReturn the Temperature in Scenario temperature units.
MaterialReturn the material type.
ReflectanceReturn the reflectance value.

The reflectance is used only for a shape whose material is GrayBody, however it's value will be returned in any case.

ThermalDataProvidersReturn the valid thermal data providers (string of semicolon-separated choices) for the object. You will get a NACK response if the class does not support the command.

For Missile objects, enter a {MissileOption} as described in the following table.

ComponentNamesReturn the names of the Missile's components.
<ComponentName> {ShapeOption}Return shape information for the specified <ComponentName>. See table above for {ShapeOption} details.
Stage {StageOption}Return stage information. Valid values for {StageOption} are: PlumeOnTimeDelta, PlumeOffTimeDelta, Temperature, RelativeWidth, Relative Length.

Plume Time values are in returned in Connect time units.

Temperature is returned in Scenario temperature units.

RelativeWidth and RelativeLength values are returned in a unitless ratio.

ThermalDataProvidersReturn the valid thermal data providers (string of semicolon-separated choices) for the missile. You will get a NACK response if the class does not support the command.


To return the EOIR Shape type of the Satellite:

EOIR_R */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape

Return message

The Shape type is returned, along with it's parameter:
Sphere: 1.000000


To return the list of Component names for Missile1:

EOIR_R */Missile/Missile1 ComponentNames

Return message

The list of component names is returned:
Component1; Component2; Component3


To return the material for Component2 for Missile1:

EOIR_R */Missile/Missile1 Component2 Material

Return message

The material name is returned:


To return the value of the Plume OnTime Delta for Missile1:

EOIR_R */Missile/Missile1 Stage PlumeOnTimeDelta

Return message

The value is returned:


To return the valid thermal data providers for an aircraft:

EOIR_R */Aircraft/Aircraft1 ThermalDataProviders

Return message

The value is returned:
"Flight Profile By Time - Total Temperature"

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


