Description | Example | Return message | Group

Graphics (Radar)

Set the graphics properties of a radar


Graphics <RdrObjectPath> {GfxType} {GfxOption} [{State}] [<Parameters>]

Related commands


The Graphics command for Radar allows you to control the display of a radar system in the 2D Graphics window.

Use the Graphics Show command to turn on or off the display of graphics.

{GfxType} can be Access or Multipath.

{GfxOption}, {State} and <Parameters> can be:

RadarTarget{Color}Set the color of the access graphics as they display in the 2D Graphics window.
XMTTarget{On | Off} {Color} {LineStyle} <Width>Turn on or off the display of access lines from the bistatic transmitter to the targeted object.
XMTReceiver{On | Off} {Color} {LineStyle} <Width>Turn on or off the display of access lines from the bistatic transmitter to the receiver.
SNRContour{On | Off} [{SinglePulse | Integrated} <Value>]Set the display of SNR Contours.

This option is valid only if {GfxType} is Access.

Clutter{On | Off} [{Color}]Set the display of clutter points in both 2D and 3D Graphics windows.

This option is valid only if {GfxType} is Access.

<Width> is a real number between 1 and 10.

For valid {Color} and {LineStyle} options see Common Options.

XMTTarget or XMTReceiver are only available for bistatic radars. If you try to apply the command to a radar system that is defined as anything other than bistatic, the command will fail.


To set the graphics properties of the bistatic TestRadar system so that transmitter target graphics display in Red with a long dash line style and a line width of 1:

Graphics */Facility/Customer/Radar/TestRadar Access XMTTarget On red LongDash 1

To display radar clutter points, in red:

Graphics */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 Access Clutter On Red

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Object Graphics


