Description | Example | Return message | Group

Graphics TimeEvent

Mark specified points of time, along a satellite's ground track, on the 2D Window.


Graphics <SatObjectPath> TimeEvent {Action} [{EventType}] <EventParameters>


The Graphics TimeEvent command will draw Marker, Text or Lines on the 2D map, along a satellite's ground track. The Marker and Text events will be drawn at the point of time specified. Lines will draw a parallel line to the ground track a pixel distance which is specified by the command.

Valid values for {Action} are Add, Modify, Remove and Import.

The following table describes <EventParameters> for Import {Action}:

Import <EventParameters>Description
"<TimeComponent>"Enter a Time Instant, Interval or Interval List time component.

The intervals specified by an Interval or Interval List component will be imported as Line Time Events for the vehicle.

The Time Instant component will be imported as a Marker Time Event for the vehicle.

See Interval Component Specification for syntax of the "<TimeComponent>".

When {Action} is Add, Modify or Remove specify the {EventType} followed by the <EventParameters>. Valid values for {EventType} are Text, Line and Marker.

The following table describes <EventParameters> for {EventType} Marker:

Marker <EventParameters>Description
{MarkerType}Set the marker type to be displayed. Valid values for {MarkerType} are: Point, Plus, Star, Circle, X, Square, None, Custom. If {MarkerType} is Custom, then additional parameters are required, see Graphics Marker for details.
ID "<UniqueName>"When adding an event provide a unique identifier for the new event. When modifying or removing an event enter the unique identifier for the event being modified or removed.

This parameter is required.

Show {On | Off}Turn on or off the display of the time event.
Color {Color}Set the color of the marker.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.

Time {TimeValue}The time along the ground track at which to display the marker.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

The following table describes <EventParameters> for {EventType} Text:

Text <EventParameters>Description
"<TextValue>"Set the text to be displayed.

This parameter is required if {Action} is Add and must be the first parameter following the {EventType}.

ID "<UniqueName>"When adding an event provide a unique identifier for the new event. When modifying or removing an event enter the unique identifier for the event being modified or removed.

This parameter is required.

Show {On | Off}Turn on or off the display of the time event.
Color {Color}Set the color of the text.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.

Offset {Left | Right}Offset the text to the left or right of the ground track.
PixelOffset <Value>The distance to offset the text. Valid values are 0 to 99.
Time {TimeValue}The time along the ground track at which to display the marker.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

FontStyle {Small | Medium | Large}Enter the font style. Additional valid values are 0, 1 or 2, 0 for Small, 1 for Medium and 2 for Large.

The following table describes <EventParameters> for {EventType} Line:

Line <EventParameters>Description
StartTime {TimeValue}Set the start time for the line event.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

If {Action} is Add then both StartTime and StopTime are required parameters for the Line {EventType}.

StopTime {TimeValue}Set the stop time for the line event.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

If {Action} is Add then both StartTime and StopTime are required parameters for the Line {EventType}.

ID "<UniqueName>"When adding an event provide a unique identifier for the new event. When modifying or removing an event enter the unique identifier for the event being modified or removed.

This parameter is required.

Show {On | Off}Turn on or off the display of the time event.
Color {Color}Set the color of the line.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.

Offset {Left | Right}Offset the line to the left or right of the ground track.
PixelOffset <Value>The distance to offset the line. Valid values are 0 to 99.
Width <Value>The width of the line. Valid values are 1 to 10.
Style {LineStyle}{LineStyle} can be a name such as Solid, Dashed, Dotted, etc, or a number 0, 1, 2, etc. For all valid {LineStyle} options see Common Options.


To add a marker event, called "PlusSign", that displays a plus sign at 1 Jun 2004 12:00 along the ground track of Satellite1:

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 TimeEvent Add Marker Plus ID "PlusSign" Show ON Time "1 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000" color cyan

To change the color and time of the marker event "PlusSign":

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 TimeEvent Modify Marker ID "PlusSign" Time "1 Jun 2004 12:30:00.000" color yellow

To display the text "Test Event" at 1 Jun 2004 12:20, to the right of the ground track of Satellite1:

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 TimeEvent Add Text "Test Event" ID "TestID" Show On Offset Right PixelOffset 12 Color red Time "1 Jun 2004 12:20:00.000"

To change the offset of the text event "Test Event":

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 TimeEvent Modify Text ID "TestID" Offset Left PixelOffset 8

To remove the text event "Test Event":

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 TimeEvent Remove Text ID "TestID"

To display a line for two hours, to the left of the ground track of Satellite1:

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 TimeEvent Add Line ID "Line2Hr" Style Dashed Width 2 Offset Left PixelOffset 3 Color yellow Show ON StartTime "1 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000" StopTime "1 Jun 2004 14:00:00.000"

To change the stop time and width of the line event:

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 TimeEvent Modify Line ID "Line2Hr" Width 1 StopTime "1 Jun 2004 13:30:00.000"

To add a text event, using the medium font:

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 TimeEvent Add Text "Test Event Medium" ID "TestIDM" Show On FontStyle Medium Color yellow Time "1 Jul 2005 13:20:00.000"

To import the pass intervals from Satellite3:

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 TimeEvent Import "Satellite/Satellite3 PassIntervals Interval List"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Object Graphics

