Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set ground ellipse data for vehicles.


GroundEllipse <VehObjectPath> {EllipseSetOptions}

Related commands


The GroundEllipse connect command is used to add, delete, modify ground ellipse data for vehicles

AddSet <SetName>Add a new ellipse set with specified name.
DeleteSet <SetName>Delete the ellipse set with specified name.
ClearSet <SetName>Removes all ellipses from the specified ellipse set.
RenameSet <SetName> <NewSetName>Renames the ellipse set to new specified name.
AddSetEllipse <SetName> {EllipseOptions}Adds a new ellipse with specified ellipse options (defined below) to the specified ellipse set.
DeleteSetEllipse <SetName> {EllipseAtTime <TimeVal> | EllipseAtLatLon <Latitude> <Longitude>}Deletes the ellipse with the specified time or at the specified location from the specified ellipse set. <TimeVal> is entered in Connect date units. <Latitude> <Longitude> are entered in degrees.
ModifySetEllipse <SetName> {EllipseAtTime "<TimeVal>" | EllipseAtLatLon <Latitude> <Longitude>} {EllipseOptions}Modifies the ellipse with the specified time or at the specified location in the specified ellipse set with the specified ellipse options (defined below). <TimeVal> is entered in Connect date units. <Latitude> <Longitude> are entered in degrees.

At least one of the following {EllipseOptions} must be included in the AddSetEllipse or ModifySetEllipse commands:

Time {TimeValue}The Ellipse time.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

SemiMajorAxis <Value><Value> is entered in meters, value must be greater or equal to 0.0.
SemiMinorAxis <Value><Value> is entered in meters, value must be greater or equal to 0.0.
Bearing <Value><Value> is entered in degrees.
UseObjPos {On | Off} If On, the ground ellipse will be centered at the vehicle position for the time specified for the ground ellipse. If Off, you can specify the position via the Lat and Lon options.
Lat <Value><Value> is entered in degrees.
Lon <Value><Value> is entered in degrees.


Add a new ellipse set to Missile1:

GroundEllipse */Missile/Missile1 AddSet MslSet

Add an ellipse to the ellipse set MslSet:

GroundEllipse */Missile/Missile1 AddSetEllipse MslSet time "1 Jun 2003 12:30" semimajoraxis 100000 semiminoraxis 50000 lat 10 lon 20

Delete the ellipse at 1 Jun, 12:30, from the ellipse set MslSet:

GroundEllipse */Missile/Missile1 DeleteSetEllipse MslSet EllipseAtTime "1 Jun 2003 12:30"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

