Description | Example | Return message | Group


Configure parallel processing.


Parallel <AppOrScenPath> {ParallelOption}

Related commands


The <AppOrScenPath> can be either the Application path or the Scenario path. The following table describes the available options.

Configuration ParallelType {Local | Cluster} [{Parameters}]

If Local is entered then the optional {Parameters} can be:

NumberOfLocalCores <number>Configure the number of cores used in the local parallel type.
LocalSharedDirectory <SharedDir>The shared directory used to exchange scenarios during local computations.
LocalScenarioCopyStrategy {SaveAsVDF | SaveAsScenario}Sets the local scenario copy strategy. The default is SaveAsScenario.
EstimatedLocalMemoryBudgetThe total estimated amount of memory, in MB, available for parallel tasks to consume. Each task's estimated memory usage (configured separately) is subtracted from this budget as it is assigned to a worker process and added back upon completion. A task will not be scheduled to run unless its estimated memory usage is less than the current memory budget.

If Cluster is entered then the optional {Parameters} can be:

CoordinatorHost <name>Specify the name of the coordinator machine.
CoordinatorPort <port>Specify the port used by the coordinator.
ClusterSharedDirectory <SharedDir>The shared directory used to exchange scenarios during cluster computations.
ClusterScenarioCopyStrategy {SaveAsVDF | SaveAsScenario}Sets the cluster scenario copy strategy. The default is SaveAsVDF.
UseSSL {True | False}Use SSL to communicate with the coordinator machine.
AllowSelfSignedCertificates {True | False}Turn certificate validation on or off. Note, turning certificate validation off is not recommended.
ProvideClientCertificate {True | False}Enable or disable mutual SSL. If true, the client must send a certificate when authenticating.
ClientCertificateName <name>The subject distinguished name of the certificate in the local Windows certificate store to authenticate.
ClientCertificateThumbprint <thumbprint>Set the expected client certificate thumbprint.
VerifyCoordinatorThumbprint {True | False}
CoordinatorThumbprint <thumbprint>Set the expected coordinator thumbprint. The coordinator checks that this thumbprint matches that of its own security certificate to ensure it can trust the client.
CompressVdf {True | False}Enables or disables whether the generated VDF file is compressed upon saving for more efficient transmission across the network. This option is recommended if network transmission time is limiting.
AutomaticallyComputeInParallel [{Coverage | Deck Access | ChainAccess | Volumetrics}] {On | Off}The options in brackets [] are optional additional options for parallel computing. You should only use one argument (i.e. Parallel / AutomaticallyComputeInParallel Coverage On. The command NACKS if you use Parallel / AutomaticallyComputeInParallel Coverage DeckAccess On.) When On, always use parallel mode when computing coverage, deck access, chains or volumetric, either explicitly or as a result of changes made to other objects in the scenario.
ComputeAllFiguresOfMeritInParallelWithCoverage {On | Off}By default only certain types of figures of merit (those usually expensive to compute) are computed in parallel. This forces all the figures of merit to compute in parallel, independently of their type. In those cases this might be less efficient than not computing in parallel, due to the overhead involved in starting up a parallel computation.
HostLoggingLevel {All | Info | Warning | Error}Sets the logging level used by the hosts.
ScenarioOptions [{parameters}]Sets the values for the designated parameters at the scenario level.

The UseTaskEstimatedMemoryUsage argument specifies whether or not the task’s estimated memory usage will be compared to the agent’s estimated memory budget when scheduling parallel tasks.

The TaskEstimatedMemoryUsage option specifies the estimated amount of memory the task is believed to use, measured in MB.

The options for [{parameters}]:

  • UseTaskEstimatedMemoryUsage { True | False }
  • UseTaskEstimatedMemoryUsage turns On or Off the use of an EstimatedMemoryUsage for each task.

  • TaskEstimatedMemoryUsage <Number>
  • TaskEstimatedMemoryUsage sets the value of the EstimatedMemoryUsage for each task.

ShutdownLocalWorkersForces all local workers to shutdown. Only available when using the Local parallel type.
ShutdownLocalWorkersOnJobCompletion {On | Off}When On, local workers shut down after completing their work (instead of staying in memory to allow better startup time for the next computation).
ValidateScenario {On | Off}When On, scenarios are automatically validated prior to starting a parallel computation.
SaveInBinary {True | False}Enables or disables whether the scenario used for the computation is saved in a binary format that is more efficient for loading in parallel processes.


To set the UseTaskEstimatedMemoryUsage to true:

Parallel * ScenarioOptions UseTaskEstimatedMemoryUsage true TaskEstimatedMemoryUsage 512

To indicate that computing should use parallel computation:

Parallel / AutomaticallyComputeInParallel On

To set the parallel type to Cluster:

Parallel / Configuration ParallelType Cluster

To set the parallel type to Cluster:

Parallel / Configuration ParallelType Cluster AllowSelfSignedCertificates True UseSSL False

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options

