Description | Example | Return message | Group

PassBreak (Satellites)

Set the pass options for a satellite


PassBreak <SatObjectPath> {PassOption} [<Parameters>]

Related commands


The PassBreak Connect command allows you to specify the event that defines the boundary between passes (or revolutions) of an orbiting satellite. Most systems specify that a new pass, or orbital revolution, begins when a satellite passes through the inertial equator going north. Passes begin at the ascending node. The first pass number is the pass number of the start of the ephemeris.

AscendingSet the direction of the pass as moving North.
DescendingSet the direction of the pass as moving South.
Latitude <Value> [{Ascending | Descending}]Set the latitude crossing at which a new pass begins. <Value> is entered in degrees. Optionally, set the direction of the pass.
Longitude <Value>Set the longitude crossing at which a new pass begins. <Value> is entered in degrees.
Partial {Time | Angle | MeanArgOfLat}Specify the method to use to measure partial passes.
CoordSys {Inertial | Fixed | TrueOfDate | TrueOfOrbitEpoch}Specify the Coordinate system in which the latitude or longitude should be measured.
Number {<PassNumber> | Maintain | FromState | AtDate <PassNumber> {TimeValue}}

<PassNumber>, an integer, is used to specify the first pass number.

Enter Maintain to indicate that the existing pass numbering sequence is maintained when the satellite is repropagated.

Enter FromState for a satellite whose propagator is SGP4, which has its own definition for passes.

Use the AtDate option to specify the date at which the first pass occurs. <PassNumber> is an integer. For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.


To set the pass number of Satellite2 to 2 and specify the time at which pass 2 will occur:

PassBreak */Satellite/Satellite2 Number AtDate 2 "1 Jul 2003 17:45:22.63"

To set the pass number of the Shuttle satellite to 2:

PassBreak */Satellite/Shuttle Number 2

To set the coordinate system for measuring pass numbers of the Shuttle satellite:

PassBreak */Satellite/Shuttle CoordSys Inertial

To set the latitude crossing value of the Shuttle satellite to 90.0 degrees, ascending:

PassBreak */Satellite/Shuttle Latitude 90.0 Ascending

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

