Description | Example | Return message | Group

Point GrazingAlt

Point a sensor to a specified grazing altitude


Point <SensorObjectPath> GrazingAlt <Azimuth> <GrazingAltitude>

Related commands


The Point GrazingAlt command will point a sensor along the specified azimuth to the specified grazing altitude (if possible) by solving for the required elevation angle.

The azimuth and elevation are the projection of the sensor boresight in the parent's body-fixed coordinate system, where azimuth is the rotation about the Z axis with the X axis at 0 degrees and the Y axis at 90 degrees. The elevation, which is solved for to attain the grazing altitude, is the angle between the boresight vector and the XY plane.

<Azimuth> is entered in degrees between -360 to 360. <GrazingAltitude> is entered in Connect distance units and should be greater than 0


To point a sensor towards an azimuth of 90 degrees and an altitude of 100 km (10000 m):

Point */Satellite/Sat1/Sensor/Sen1 GrazingAlt 90.0 10000.0

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


