Description | Example | Return message | Group


Propagate vehicle ephemeris


Propagate <SatObjectPath> [{TimeInterval}]


Use the Propagate command to generate ephemeris for a satellite, missile or launch vehicle.

{TimeInterval} indicates the time period during which ephemeris is to be generated. For valid {TimeInterval} values see Time Options.

You can also use the Propagate command to generate ephemeris for ships, aircraft and ground vehicles. The {TimeInterval} should be omitted for these vehicles, and if entered will be ignored. The entire route will be propagated for these vehicles.

Satellite, missile or launch vehicle must have a propagator defined before using this command.

Satellite, missile or launch vehicle are propagated using only the existing initial state. For information about changing or setting the propagator and parameters, refer to the SetState commands.

If the propagator of a Satellite is Astrogator, the {TimeInterval}, if entered, will be ignored.


The following command changes the ephemeris of the satellite Shuttle in the current scenario to propagate over an eight-hour period:

Propagate */Satellite/Shuttle "2 Nov 2000 00:00:00.00" "2 Nov 2000 08:00:00.00"

To propagate the route of Ship1:

Propagate */Ship/Ship1

To propagate the Satellite over the scenario analysis time period:

Propagate */Satellite/Shuttle UseScenarioInterval

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

