Description | Example | Return message | Group

SetAttitude Target

Reset attitude to use a targeted type


SetAttitude <VehicleObjectPath> Target {TargetOption} [<Parameters>]

Related commands


Use the SetAttitude Target command to point a vehicle at selected targets so that the vehicle's Z axis points in the direction of the target when the target is visible to the vehicle.

This command is valid for Satellites, LaunchVehicles, and Missiles.

Valid Target objects are all types of vehicles, facilities, places, targets, planets and stars. A target can also be a specified using a Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. In the descriptions below {TargetSpec} can be either:

  • <TruncObjectPath>
  • <Latitude> <Longitude> <Altitude>

A target specified using a Latitude, Longitude and Altitude will show in the Attitude MultiSegment UI, but it can only be created or modified via Connect.

{TargetOption} can be:

{On | Off}N/AIf On, targeted attitude will be used.
Add{TargetSpec}Specify the path of the target object.
ClearN/ARemove all targets.
Slew{SlewOptions}Set options for targeting slew. See table below for description of {SlewOptions}.

Targeted Attitude must be turned On and at least one Target specified before setting the Slew options.

BodyVectors{TargetSpec} {AlignType} <Parameters> {ConstrType} <Parameters> [{UseDefault | "<ConstraintVector>"}]Change the default selection of body vectors used in targeted attitude definitions, by specifying parameters for the aligned vector and parameters for the constrained vector. See table below for a description of the Type and Parameter values.

Optionally, the reference constraint vector can be set to either UseDefault or to a specific vector.

ReferenceConstraintVector{TargetSpec} {UseDefault | "<ConstraintVector>"}Set the reference constraint vector to either UseDefault or to a specific vector for the specified target.
Times{TimeOption} <Parameters>{TimeOptions} are outlined in the Table following.
ComputeOptions{ComputeOption}Set user controls for the Access computations. For a description of individual {ComputeOption} refer to the Table following.

To specify the "<ConstraintVector>" the format is:

"<TruncObjectPath> <CrdnName> Vector"

For example: to specify the Moon vector for the satellite MultSelTest: "Satellite/MultSelTest Moon Vector", to specify the Orbit Normal vector for Earth: "CentralBody/Earth Orbit_Normal Vector"

If {TargetOption} is BodyVectors, {Type} and <Parameters> can be:

PR<Pitch> <Roll>
Euler<Angle1> <Angle2> <Sequence>

Sequence can be 12, 21, 31, or 32

RaDec<RAAN> <Declination>
Axis<X> <Y> <Z>

If {TargetOption} is Times, {TimeOption} and <Parameters> can be:

UseAccess{On | Off | Off Clear | Off Copy} If On, attitude targeting is based on accesses. If Off, the user-defined targeting schedule is used, no change is made to the existing targeting schedule. If Off Clear, the user-defined targeting schedule is used, and any existing intervals in the targeting schedule are cleared. If Off Copy, the user-defined targeting schedule is used, the targeting schedule is cleared and access times are copied to the targeting schedule list.
Add{TargetSpec} "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>"Add or remove an interval to/from the targeting schedule.
Change{TargetSpec} "<ExistingStartTime>" "<ExistingStopTime>" "<NewStartTime>" "<NewStopTime>"Change a given interval in the targeting schedule.
Replace{TargetSpec} <NumIntervalPairs> "<StartTime1>" "<StopTime1>" ["<StartTime1>" "<StopTime1>"...]Replaces the entire targeting schedule for the specified object with the schedule specified
Load"<IntervalFile>"Load time intervals from an STK interval file. For help on creating the STK interval file, see Create & Import External Files - Interval List in STK Help.

"<IntervalFile>" can be the path to a file on your local drive or the path to a file on an SDF server. See Specifying Paths for "<SDFFilePath>" syntax information.

Import{TargetSpec} "<TimeComponent>"Import the specified Interval or Interval List time component. The interval(s) from the specified component will be added to the targeting schedule.

For information about "<TimeComponent>" see Component Specification.

AutoDeconflictN/AResolve any conflicts that exist between targets and times

If {TimeOption} is Add, Remove, Change or Replace, and the UseAccess option is On, the UseAccess option is turned Off.

If {TargetOption} is ComputeOptions, {ComputeOption} can be:

UseLightTimeDelay {On | Off} Choose whether to consider light time delay in access computations. When light time delay is not considered, aberration is ignored also.
LightTimeDelayConvergence <Value>This option sets the tolerance used when iterating to determine the light time delay. <Value> is entered in Connect time units, and should be between 1.0e-9 to 0.1 seconds
AberrationType {Total | Annual | None}Set the model of aberration to be used in access computations.
MinTimeStep <Value><Value> is entered in Connect time units, and should be between 1.0e-5 to 315576000.0 seconds
MaxTimeStep <Value><Value> is entered in Connect time units, and should be between 1.0e-5 to 315576000.0 seconds
TimeConvergence <Value>This option sets the time tolerance that is used by the access algorithms to determine the start times and stop times of access intervals. <Value> is entered in Connect time units, and should be between 1.0e-9 to 315576000.0 seconds
RelValueConvergence <Value><Value> should be between 0.0 to 1.0
AbsValueConvergence <Value><Value> should be between 1.0e-30 to 1.0e30
EventsBasedOnSamples {On | Off} Set EventsBasedOnSamples On to determine access intervals based on the samples without doing any extra sub-sampling.
FixedSampleStep {Off | (<FixedStep> <TimeBound>)}Enter values to control the step size used in Access sampling. Enter either Off or both <FixedStep> and <TimeBound>.

<FixedStep> is entered in Connect time units, and should be between 1.0e-5 to 315576000.0 seconds. <TimeBound> is entered in Connect time units, and should be between 0.0 to 86400.0 seconds.

TimeSense {Receive | Transmit} Allows you to set the direction of the signal.

The following table describes {SlewOption} for setting Attitude Targeting Slew. Targeted Attitude must be turned On and at least one Target specified before setting the Slew options.

Mode {FixedTime | FixedRate | Constrained}Set the value for slew mode. The default value is FixedTime.

If Constrained is entered the SlewType will be set to 2ndOrderSpline.

{SlewTime | MaxSlewTime} <Time>Specify the time span in which you wish the vehicle to change from its original attitude to a target-pointing attitude and the amount of time required to change its pointing to another target.

SlewTime and MaxSlewTime keywords are interchangeable, but for consistancy SlewTime is generally used when Mode is FixedTime and MaxSlewTime when Mode is FixedRate or Constrained.

The <Time> is entered in Connect time units and must be greater or equal to 0 seconds.

MatchAngVel {On | Off}Specify whether to take account of the angular velocity (slope) at the beginning and end of the slew.

This option is used if Mode is FixedTime.

SlewTimingBetweenTgts {TimingOption}Specify when to execute the slew within the window of opportunity. Valid values for {TimingOption} are:
  • SlewAfterTargetLoss
  • SlewBeforeTargetLoss
  • SlewAfterTargetAcq
  • SlewBeforeTargetAcq
  • Optimal

This option is used if Mode is FixedRate or Constrained.

SlewType {2ndOrderSpline | 3rdOrderSpline}Set the type of the Constrained slew mode. This option will set the Mode to Constrained, if necessary.
RateMagnitude <Value>Set the maximum slew rate. The <Value> must be between 0.0 deg/sec and 1000 deg/sec.

This option is used when slew Mode is FixedRate or Constrained.

RateAxisX {On | Off | <Value>}Turn on or off, or set values for the maximum slew rate axis constraints.

If the <Value> is entered the constraint will be also be turned On. Enter the <Value> in degrees/second. The <Value> must be between 0.0 deg/sec and 1000 deg/sec.

These constraints are used when slew Mode is FixedRate or Constrained.

RateAxisY {On | Off | <Value>}
RateAxisZ {On | Off | <Value>}
AccelMagnitude <Value>Set the maximum slew acceleration. The <Value> must be between 0.0 deg/sec^2 and 1000 deg/sec^2.

This option is used when slew Mode is Constrained.

AccelAxisX {On | Off | <Value>}Turn on or off, or set values for the maximum slew acceleration axis constraints.

If the <Value> is entered the constraint will be also be turned On. Enter the <Value> in degrees/second^2. The <Value> must be between 0.0 deg/sec^2 and 1000 deg/sec^2.

These constraints are used when slew Mode is Constrained.

AccelAxisY {On | Off | <Value>}
AccelAxisZ {On | Off | <Value>}


To turn the attitude pointing target option On and slew the ERS1 satellite so that its Z axis points in the direction of the Wallops facility when it is within view:

SetAttitude */Satellite/ERS1 Target On
SetAttitude */Satellite/ERS1 Target ADD Facility/Wallops

To replace a point in the targeting schedule for the basicLEO1 satellite using the Wallops facility as a target:

SetAttitude */Satellite/basicLEO1 Target Times Replace Facility/Wallops 2 "1 Jun 2000 01:05:00.00" "1 Jun 2000 01:10:00.00" "1 Jun 2000 01:15:00.00" "1 Jun 2000 01:20:00.00"

To change default selection of body vectors used in targeted attitude definitions:

SetAttitude */Satellite/Satellite1 Target BodyVectors Facility/Facility1 Axis 0.5 0.25 1.0 Axis 0.3 -0.8 0.0


Use the following commands to add two Lat, Lon, Alt targets to SatAtt, and set the time intervals for the targets:

SetAttitude */Satellite/SatAtt Target On
SetAttitude */Satellite/SatAtt Target Times UseAccess Off
SetAttitude */Satellite/SatAtt Target Add 27.0 -80.0 0.0
SetAttitude */Satellite/SatAtt Target Times Add 27.0 -80.0 0.0 "1 Jul 2005 12:00:00.000" "1 Jul 2005 12:15:00.000"
SetAttitude */Satellite/SatAtt Target Times Add 27.0 -80.0 0.0 "1 Jul 2005 13:40:00.000" "1 Jul 2005 13:55:00.000"
SetAttitude */Satellite/SatAtt Target Add 21.0 -157.0 0.0
SetAttitude */Satellite/SatAtt Target Times Add 21.0 -157.0 0.0 "1 Jul 2005 13:15:00.000" "1 Jul 2005 13:30:00.000"

Set access compute options for Satellite1:

SetAttitude */Satellite/Satellite1 Target ComputeOptions UseLightTimeDelay On LightTimeDelayConvergence 0.001

Load target time intervals from a file:

SetAttitude */Satellite/Satellite1 Target Times Load "C:\STKUser\IntervalFiles\"

Import the intervals from the FixedList17 time component:

SetAttitude */Satellite/Satellite1 Target Times Import Facility/TestFac362 "Satellite/Satellite3 FixedList17 Interval List"


Turn the attitude pointing target option On and set the target:

SetAttitude */Satellite/ERS1 Target On
SetAttitude */Satellite/ERS1 Target ADD Facility/Wallops

Set options for Fixed Rate slew mode:

SetAttitude */Satellite/ERS1 Target Slew Mode FixedRate MaxSlewTime 32.0 SlewTimingBetweenTgts SlewAfterTargetAcq

Set options for Constrained slew mode:

SetAttitude */Satellite/ERS1 Target Slew Mode Constrained RateMagnitude 16.8 AccelAxisX On AccelAxisY 4.98

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


