Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set the start time for an aircraft, ground vehicle or ship


SetGreatArcStart <ObjectPath> {TimeValue}


The SetGreatArcStart command sets the start time for the specified ship, aircraft or ground vehicle. The rest of the path is regenerated to reflect the new {TimeValue}.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

The SetGreatArcStart command is for moving a GreatArc trajectory in time to a new start time (while keeping all the waypoints at the same relative times as before). This command is not valid if the AddWaypoint {AddMethod} is DetVelFromTime. This command will NACK if the vehicle has no waypoints.


To set the start time of the Cruise ship:

SetGreatArcStart */Ship/Cruise "01 Jan 2000 08:00:00.00"

To set the start time of AirFr to the scenario analysis time period start:

SetGreatArcStart */Aircraft/AirFr UseAnalysisStartTime

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

