Description | Example | Return message | Group


Returns information about Spice files.


Spice_RM <ScenarioPath> {FileList, BodyList, BodySegments, FileSegments} <Parameters>

FileListReturns the list of loaded and missing files in their load order. Each row in the response contains the row count, file status, filename, and directory. The file status indicates if the file is loaded, is readable but not yet loaded, or unreadable.

If files are added, removed, or reordered after the scenario loads, then the unloaded files may be moved from their original load position to an earlier one, to preserve the Spice precedence rules where later loaded files are at higher precedence than earlier ones.

BodyListReturns the list of bodies sorted by Spice body id number. Each row in the response containst he row count, the body name, and the Spice body id number.
BodySegments <bodyId>Returns the list of segments that are currently loaded for the bodyID. The bodyID may be specified as an integer or as the Spice body name. Body names that have embedded spaces should be enclosed within quotes (e.g. "New Horizons"). Each row in the response contains the row count, start time, stop time, status, filename, file segment number, segment name, center bodyID, center name, frame id, frame name, segment type, segment type name, and directory of the file.
FileSegments <Filename>Returns the list of segments provided by the specified file. If the filename is unique, then the filename may be used instead of the full filepath that includes the directory. If the filename is not currently loaded into Spice, then returns the list but does not keep the file loaded in Spice. Each row in the response contains the segment number, start time, stop time, segment name, bodyId, center name, frame id, frame name, segment type, segment type name, and directory of the file.


To return a BodyList:

Spice_RM * BodyList

To return a BodySegments list:

Spice_RM * BodySegments -98

To return a FileSegments

Spice_RM * FileSegments alt_bmag_m0500_bnorm_p0000.bsp

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options



Stars & Planets


