Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO AttCovAttributes

Display 3D coverage graphics for an attitude coverage object


VO <AttCovObjectPath> AttCovAttributes {Show {On | Off} | {AttCovOptions}}

Related commands


The VO AttCovAttributes command allows you to set static, animation and point graphics for the attitude coverage.

Enter Show {On | Off} to turn on or off the graphics display.

The syntax for {AttCovOptions} is as follows:

{GfxType} {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...]

The following tables describe the {GfxType} and {DisplayOption}.

{GfxType} can be:

StaticDefine the display of static attitude coverage graphics. Static graphics are not time-dependant.
AnimationDefine the display of attitude coverage animation graphics. Animation graphics are time-dependant.
PointsDefine the display of points in the attitude coverage grid.

If {GfxType} is Static, {DisplayOption} can be:

ShowRegionsOnDisplay the boundary of each attitude coverage region in the 3D Graphics window. Regions are defined using the AttCov Grid command.
OffBoundaries of coverage regions do not display.
ShowPointsOnEach filled point in the grid displays as a polygon. Grid points are defined using the AttCov Grid command.
OffEach point in the grid displays as a marker, or dot.
Color{Color}Specify the color of grid points. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
PointSize<PtSizeValue>Specify the size of grid points using a value between 1.0 and 10.0.
Translucency<TranslucencyValue>Sets the translucency of filled points in the 3D attitude coverage grid. Translucency sets the amount of light to pass through the point while diffusing it so that points aren't clearly visible. <TranslucencyValue> ranges from 0 (opaque) to 100 (completely transparent).

If {GfxType} is Animation, {DisplayOption} can be:

ShowSatisfactionOnDisplay attitude graphics for each region that points in the coverage grid represent when the selected satisfaction criterion is met. Satisfaction criterion is set using the AttCov FOMDefine command.
OffDo not display satisfaction graphics.
Color{Color}Specify the color of satisfaction graphics. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
PointSize<PtSizeValue>Specify the size of points in the coverage grid using a value between 1.0 and 10.0.
Translucency<TranslucencyValue>Sets the translucency of filled points in the 3D attitude coverage grid when satisfaction criterion is met ]m m. Translucency sets the amount of light to pass through the point while diffusing it so that points aren't clearly visible. <TranslucencyValue> ranges from 0 (opaque) to 100 (completely transparent).

If {GfxType} is Points, {DisplayOption} can be:

FillOnFill regions representing points in the grid.
OffDo not fill points in the grid.
AutoGranularity{On | Off}Enter On to use the grid point granularity for fill granularity. If Off, then Granularity will be used.
Granularity<Value>Enter a value between 0.0001 and 20.0, in degrees, representing the sampling distance between grid points.


To set the translucency for static graphics:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1 AttCovAttributes Static Translucency 30

To set the translucency, point size and color for animation graphics:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1 AttCovAttributes Animation Translucency 50 PointSize 8 Color 12

To set the point granularity:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1 AttCovAttributes Points Granularity 5.0

To turn off the graphics display for the attitude coverage:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1 AttCovAttributes Show Off

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


Attitude Coverage


