Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO AzElMaskTool

Generate static body masking files (.bmsk), which are used to restrict visibility to a sensor.


VO <SensorObjectPath> AzElMaskTool {AzElOption}


The VO AzElMaskTool command enables you to generate static body masking files (.bmsk), which are used to restrict visibility to a sensor. The term body masking refers to line of sight obstruction caused by the three dimensional model of the parent object of the sensor or other objects in the scenario.

Time {TimeValue}The animation time for which the mask is generated. For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.
Object {On | Off} <TruncObjectPath>Select, or deselect, obscuring objects.
File "<Filepath\Filename.bmsk>"The name of the body mask output file (.bmsk).

"<Filepath\Filename.bmsk>" can be the path to a file on your local drive or the path to a file on an SDF server. See Specifying Paths for "<SDFFilePath>" syntax information.

WindowDim <Value>The height and width, in pixels, of the window used to generate the body mask. Valid values are 1-32000
Compute [CBObscure {On | Off}] Compute the AzEl Mask, and optionally select to use the Central Body as an obscuring object.
DontRenderNormalWindows {On | Off} When set to On normal 3d windows will not render when computing the AzEl Mask, This will result in increased speed when processing.

The default value is On.

This setting will also effect the Obscuration Tool window.

Use the Window3D command with the SetRenderMethod option to set off screen rendering. The Az/El Mask View window must be displayed before setting off screen rendering. The WindowID of the Window3D command must be the ID of the Az/El Mask View. Use the VO_R MapID command to get the window ID of the Az/El Mask View.


To set the animation time for an AzEl mask computation:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 AzElMaskTool Time "1 Jan 2001 02:00:00.00"

To select aosFac as an obscuring object for the AzEl mask computation:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 AzElMaskTool Object On Facility/aosFac

To set the output file for the AzEl mask computation:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 AzElMaskTool File "c:\Temp\TestAzElTool.bmsk"

To set the window dimension for the AzEl mask computation:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 AzElMaskTool WindowDim 223

To compute the AzEl mask, creating the previous specified output file:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 AzElMaskTool Compute

To compute the AzEl mask, using the central body as an obscuring object:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 AzElMaskTool Compute CBObscure On

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


Object Tools

