Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO ElevContours

Display elevation angle contour levels, for vehicles, in a 3D window


VO <ObjectPath> ElevContours {Options}

Related commands


Use the VO ElevContours command to turn on and off the display of elevation angle contours in the 3D window. Contour levels represent the various regions of the surface that can see an object at the specified elevation angle. To actually set the contours that display in the 3D window, use the Graphics ElevContours command.

Elevation Contours are not valid for ground based vehicles, this command will Nack if entered for GroundVehicle or Ship.

{On | Off}Turn On or Off the display of elevation contours in the 3D window.
ShowCones {On | Off}If On is entered then display the elevation angle contours as a filled cone in space. If Off, then only the cone's projection displays on the surface of the central body.
ShowFill {On | Off}If On is entered then display the elevation angle contours as a filled polygon on the surface of the central body.
ConeTranslucency <Value><Value> is a percent value between 0 and 100, where 0 is totally opaque and 100 percent is completely invisible.
FillTranslucency <Value><Value> is a percent value between 0 and 100, where 0 is totally opaque and 100 percent is completely invisible.


To turn on the display of elevation angle contours for the ESR1 Satellite in the 3D window, and show only as a filled polygon with 50% translucency:

VO */Satellite/ERS1 ElevContours On ShowCones Off ShowFill On FillTranslucency 50.0

To turn contours off in the 3D window, for the ESR1 Satellite:

VO */Satellite/ERS1 ElevContours Off

To turn on the display of elevation angle contours for the ESR1 Satellite in the 3D window, and show filled cones:

VO */Satellite/ERS1 ElevContours On ShowCones On

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



VO Objects

