Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO InitializeSolarPanelsToSun

Change the default setting for solar panel pointing.


VO <ObjectPath> InitializeSolarPanelsToSun Enable {Yes | No}

Related commands


By default, the solar panel arrays on a newly loaded model point at the sun. The VO InitializeSolarPanelsToSun command allows you to change that setting, for the selected object instance.

If Enable On is entered then the setting is changed so that models assigned to the object will have solar panels pointed to the sun. Also, the solar panels on the object's current model are modified to point at the sun.

If Enable Off is entered then the setting is changed so that future models assigned to the object will not have solar panels pointed to the sun. The object's current model is not changed.


To disable the pointing of solar panels to the sun, for models assigned to the Sat1 object:

VO */Satellite/Sat1 InitializeSolarPanelsToSun Enable No

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Facilities, Places & Targets



VO Objects

