Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO ModelPointing

Point parts of a model representing a facility, place, target or vehicle toward another object


VO <ObjectPath> ModelPointing "<AttachPoint>" {ModelPointOption} <Value>

Related commands


The VO ModelPointing command allows you to point parts of a model representing a vehicle, facility, place or target toward another object, such as the Sun or Earth by indicating the attach point and target.

"<AttachPoint>" are determined by the attach points specified in the object's model file.

Not all models have AttachPoints. You must be using a model with AttachPoints to use the VO ModelPointing command successfully.

When used in conjunction with BatchGraphics, this command cannot be used in the same batch as the VO Model command or the model pointing may not be accepted.

Target{TargetOption}Use {TargetOption} to indicate the target object to which a facility, place, target or vehicle model will point. Valid values for {TargetOption} are described below.
Intervals{IntervalOption}Use {IntervalOption} to define intervals during which an object model will point towards a selected target. Valid values for {IntervalOption} are described below.
NoneN/APointing is disabled for the AttachPoint.

The "<AttachPoint>" must already be set as targeted for the object, unless the {IntervalOption} is Add or Load in which case the attach point will be added if it doesn't yet exist.

{IntervalOption} can be:

Clear{TargetOption}Remove the first display interval for the target specified using the {TargetOption}.
ClearAll[{TargetOption}]Remove all display intervals for the target specified using the {TargetOption}. If no {TargetOption} is specified, all intervals for all target options are removed.
Add<NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption} ["<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption}...]Adds intervals with Targets to the list of times. The number of "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" {TargetOption} value sets entered must equal the <NumIntervalPairs> specified.
Replace"<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption} "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>"Replace a single interval matching the first start, stop, target with the second start and stop time. The target stays the same.
ReplaceAll<NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption} ["<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption}...]Clear ALL interval lists and replace them with those specified here. The number of "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption} value sets entered must equal the <NumIntervalPairs> specified.
Load{{TargetOption} | FromFile} "<>"Replaces or create the interval list for the {TargetOption} specified by loading a file that specifies interval pairs.

Enter FromFile instead of {TargetOption} to have the target(s) read from the interval file.

The file must be in the STK interval list file format and end with a .int extension.

"<FilePath>" can be the path to a file on your local drive or the path to a file on an SDF server. See Specifying Paths for "<SDFFilePath>" syntax information.

Import{TargetOption} "<TimeComponent>"Import the specified Interval or Interval List time component.

For information about "<TimeComponent>" see Component Specification.

{TargetOption} can be:

SunPoint an object at the Sun.
<CBName>Another object's central body name. The default value is Earth.
LLA <CBName> <Latitude> <Longitude> <Altitude>Point to a specific lat, lon, alt on a central body. <Latitude> and <Longitude> are entered in degrees. <Latitude> must be between -180 and 180 degrees. <Altitude> is entered in meters and and must be larger then the minimum altitude defined for the central body.
<TruncObjectPath>Used to point a model towards another object in the Scenario.
Slew Interpolates pointing over specified interval to point from the object in the previous interval to the object in the next interval.

This option is only valid if the {TargetOption} is used in conjuction with the Intervals {ModelPointOption}.


To set the Shuttle model's SolarArray to point to the Sun:

VO */Satellite/Shuttle ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Target Sun

To set the Facility1 model's Azimuth to point to the Satellite Shuttle:

VO */Facility/Facility1 ModelPointing "Azimuth-000000" Target Satellite/Shuttle

To turn off model pointing for the Facility1 model's Azimuth:

VO */Facility/Facility1 ModelPointing "Azimuth-000000" None

To add the first interval to the aosFac facility object and the second to the Sun:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Intervals Add 2 "1 Jan 2001 00:00:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 01:00:00.00" Facility/aosFac "1 Jan 2001 02:00:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 03:00:00.00" Sun

To change the date units used during this Connect session to epoch seconds...

SetUnits / EpochSec

and then replace all intervals for the aosFac object with the one specified here:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays1-000000" Intervals ReplaceAll 1 "800.00" "1600.0" Facility/aosFac

To add the first interval to the aosFac facility object and the second to the Sun:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Intervals Add 2 "2400.0" "600.0" Facility/aosFac "2400.0" "3600.0" Sun

To replace interval between 0.0 and 600 epoch seconds for the aosFac object with an interval between 2700 and 3600 epoch seconds:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Intervals Replace "0.0" "600.0" Facility/aosFac "2700.0" "3600.0"

To replace all interval data for the Sun with interval pairs specified in the file:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Intervals Load Sun "e:\Temp\"

To make the bottom antenna for Satellite1 using the Hubble model point towards the sun, then slew to point at Facility 1 and then point at Facility1:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 ModelPointing "Bottom_Antenna-000000" Intervals Add 3 "1 Jun 2003 12:00:00.00" "1 Jun 2003 12:10:00.00" Sun "1 Jun 2003 12:10:00.00" "1 Jun 2003 12:15:00.00" Slew "1 Jun 2003 12:15:00.00" "1 Jun 2003 13:00:00.00" Facility/Facility1

To clear all pointing intervals for the bottom antenna for Satellite1 using the Hubble model:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 ModelPointing "Bottom_Antenna-000000" Intervals ClearAll

To clear all pointing intervals for the bottom antenna for Satellite1 using the Hubble model:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 ModelPointing "Hubble-000000" Target LLA Earth 30 30 0

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Facilities, Places & Targets



VO Objects

