Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO Obscuration

Set sensor obscuration parameters and compute sensor obscuration


VO <SensorObjectPath> Obscuration {ObscurationOption} <Parameters>


The Obscuration command allows you to set parameters for sensor obscuration and to perform obscuration calculations.

{Obscuration Option}<Parameters> and Description
Object{On | Off} <ToObjectPath>,

where <ToObjectPath> is the object for which obscuration is being calculated

CentralBody{CBName} {On | Off}

Set a central body as an obscuration object.

Compute [{TimeInterval} <StepSize> ["<FilePath>"]]

{TimeInterval} <StepSize> can be used to limit data to a specified time period. If these parameters aren't specified, data is calculated for the scenario time period. For valid {TimeInterval} values see Time Options.

If "<FilePath>" is entered then data is written to that file. This value can only be entered if the time values are also entered.

DontRenderNormalWindows {On | Off} When set to On normal 3d windows will not render when computing the AzEl Mask, This will result in increased speed when processing.

The default value is On.

This setting will also effect the AzElMask Tool window.

Use the Window3D command with the SetRenderMethod option to set off screen rendering. The Obscuration View window must be displayed before setting off screen rendering. The WindowID of the Window3D command must be the ID of the Obscuration View. Use the VO_R MapID command to get the window ID of the Obscuration View.


Set the Obscuration Object to Facility/Perth:

VO */Satellite/ERS1/Sensor/Horizon Obscuration Object On Facility/Perth

Compute obscuration for 120 minutes and place the result in jgrobs.rpt:

VO */Satellite/ERS1/Sensor/Horizon Obscuration Compute "1 August 2002 20:00:00.00" "1 August 2002 22:00:00.00" 60 "c:/temp/jgrobs.rpt"

To specify Mars as an Obscuration Object:

VO */Satellite/ERS1/Sensor/Horizon Obscuration CentralBody Mars On

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



VO Objects

