Algorithm Tab

The algorithm tab contains the controls that allow you to specify the deconfliction algorithm to use. There are five schedule deconfliction algorithms available that can be used to find a schedule solution. In all cases, the deconfliction algorithms will attempt to assign start times, durations, and resource assignments to each task.

For more information about each of the deconfliction algorithms, see Algorithm Definitions.

The algorithm tab may be viewed by selecting Schedule -> Properties... from the Menu Bar, then click the Algorithm tab.

Algorithm Tab

One-Pass Option Button

Click the one-pass option button to select the One-Pass deconfliction algorithm.

Sequential Option Button

Click the sequential option button to select the Sequential deconfliction algorithm.

Multi-Pass Option Button

Click the multi-pass option button to select the Multi-Pass deconfliction algorithm.

Neural Network Option Button

Click the neural network option button to select the Neural Network deconfliction algorithm.

Random Option Button

Click the random option button to select the Random deconfliction algorithm.

Custom Button

Click the custom option button to select the Custom deconfliction algorithm.

Squeaky-Wheel Button

Click the squeaky-wheel option button to select the Squeaky-Wheel deconfliction algorithm.

Load-Leveling Button

Click the load-leveling option button to select the Load-Leveling deconfliction algorithm.

Greedy Button

Click the greedy option button to select the Greedy deconfliction algorithm.

Create Algorithm button

Click the create algorithm button to create a custom algorithm using the Algorithm Builder.

Disable Expand

Selecting this option will cause the algorithms to assign maximize task for their minimum duration only.

Expand Task Assignments Earlier

Selecting this option will cause the algorithms to expand task assignments earlier than their original start time.

Expand Task Assignments Prior To Assigning Other Tasks

Selecting this option will cause the algorithms to expand variable duration tasks as they are assigned as opposed to expanding variable duration tasks after assigning as many tasks as possible at their minimum durations.

Expand After Each Priority Group

Selecting this option will cause the algorithms to expand variable duration tasks after assigning as many tasks with the same priority as possible, before assigning tasks with lower priority.

Set Random Seed

Only applicable to the Random algorithm. Select this option to cause the algorithm to use the specified value in place of a randomly generated seed value.

Random Seed

Only applicable to the Random algorithm, this value will be used in place of the value normally generated randomly by Scheduler.

Multiple Scheduling Runs "Best Of" Function

Only applicable to the Random and Neural Network algorithm options, this feature allows you to specify the number of runs of these non deterministic algorithms that will be competed against each other for schedule solution optimization (default = 1).