Calculation Objects - Target Vector

Target Vector components are a subset of Calculation Object components.


ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Calculation Objects" {Component} {Attribute} <Value> [{Unit}]

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Calculation Objects" {Component} <Duplicate Component Name>


The Target Vector components are:

Component Description
C3 Energy An energy defined as -(mu/semi-major-axis)
Incoming Asymptote Dec Declination of incoming asymptote or apsides
Incoming Asymptote RA Right Ascension of incoming asymptote or apsides
Incoming Vel Az at Periapsis Velocity azimuth at periapsis for incoming trajectory
Outgoing Asymptote Dec Declination of outgoing asymptote or apsides
Outgoing Asymptote RA Right Ascension of outgoing asymptote or apsides
Outgoing Vel Az at Periapsis Velocity azimuth at periapsis for outgoing trajectory

The attributes for each component have the same names and value selections that appear in the Astrogator graphical user interface (GUI).

For details on the Incoming Asymptote and Outgoing Asymptote Target Vector elements, see the Astrogator GUI Help.


Duplicating a Target Vector component

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Calculation Objects" "Incoming Asymptote Dec" "My Incoming Asymptote Dec"

Changing an attribute of a custom Target Vector component

ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Calculation Objects" "My C3 Energy" ElementType "Brouwer-Lyddane Mean Long"

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1