AttitudeCoverage: Coverage by Latitude

Coverage for each latitude in the selected range (-90 degrees to 90 degrees if Global Coverage is chosen), at intervals depending on the selected resolution. A point is considered to be covered if it has access to one or more of the assigned assets. The reported values for each latitude are the average value for all grid points at that latitude.

Type: Fixed data. Intended to be used only with elements from this same data provider.

Availability: Reports

Name Dimension Type Description
Latitude LatitudeUnit Real Number The detic latitude (i.e., angle between the detic subpoint's surface normal vector and the XY plane.)
Percent Time Covered Unitless Real Number Percentage of coverage analysis interval during which coverage exists.
Total Time Covered TimeUnit Real Number Total accumulated during which coverage exists within the coverage analysis interval.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1