Satellite: Equinoctial Elements: AlignmentAtEpoch

The non-rotating coordinate system coincident with the Fixed system evaluated at the object's coordinate reference epoch.

Name Dimension Type Description
Time DateFormat Real Number Time.
Semi-Major Axis DistanceUnit Real Number A measure of the size of the orbit. Orbits with eccentricity less than 1 are ellipses, with major and minor axes identifying the symmetry axes of the ellipse, the major axis being the longer one. The value is half the length of the major axis.
e * sin(omegaBar) Unitless Real Number h = eccentricity * sin(right_ascension_of_the_ascending_node + argument_of_periapse). Equinoctial elements h and k together describe the shape of the orbit and the location of the periapse.
e * cos(omegaBar) Unitless Real Number k = eccentricity * cos(right_ascension_of_the_ascending_node + argument_of_periapse). Equinoctial elements h and k together describe the shape of the orbit and the location of the periapse.
tan(i/2) * sin(raan) Unitless Real Number p = tan(inclination/2) * sin(right_ascension_of_the_ascending_node). Equinoctial elements p and q together describe the orientation of the orbit plane. Retrograde orbits have a singularity at zero inclination, and posigrade orbits have a singularity at 180 deg inclination.
tan(i/2) * cos(raan) Unitless Real Number q = tan(inclination/2) * cos(right_ascension_of_the_ascending_node). Equinoctial elements p and q together describe the orientation of the orbit plane. Retrograde orbits have a singularity at zero inclination, and posigrade orbits have a singularity at 180 deg inclination.
Mean Lon LongitudeUnit Real Number mean longitude is the sum: right_ascension_of_the_ascending_node + argument_of_periapse + mean_anomaly. A measure of the location within the orbit.
Direction Unitless Text The type of equinoctial elements. Retrograde has its singularity at an inclination of 0 deg. Posigrade has its singularity at an inclination of 180 deg.
Semi-Major Axis Rate Rate Real Number or Text Rate of change of semi-major axis. Computed by applying the variation of parameters equations of motion to the perturbative acceleration.
e * sin(omegaBar) Rate Unitless Per Time Real Number or Text Rate of change of h. Computed by applying the variation of parameters equations of motion to the perturbative acceleration.
e * cos(omegaBar) Rate Unitless Per Time Real Number or Text Rate of change of k. Computed by applying the variation of parameters equations of motion to the perturbative acceleration.
tan(i/2) * sin(raan) Rate Unitless Per Time Real Number or Text Rate of change of p. Computed by applying the variation of parameters equations of motion to the perturbative acceleration.
tan(i/2) * cos(raan) Rate Unitless Per Time Real Number or Text Rate of change of q. Computed by applying the variation of parameters equations of motion to the perturbative acceleration.
Mean Lon Rate AngleRateUnit Real Number or Text Rate of change of mean longitude including the osculating mean motion. Computed by applying the variation of parameters equations of motion to the perturbative acceleration.
Mean Lon Perturb Rate AngleRateUnit Real Number or Text Rate of change of mean longitude excluding the osculating mean motion. Computed by applying the variation of parameters equations of motion to the perturbative acceleration.
Mean Motion AngleRateUnit Real Number A measure of the osculating period of the orbit, expressed as an angular rate. The value is 2pi rad / orbit_period.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1