What's New? *********** STK Parallel Computing Server 2.7 =================== * The minimum required version of Python has been increased to Python 3.8. STK Parallel Computing Server 2.6 =================== * Added the ability to restrict a task to agents running a specific OS by adding OS_Platform to :py:class:`CommonResources ` and adding :py:class:`OSPlatform `. See :ref:`Control Agent that is Selected to Run Task` for an example using :py:class:`CommonResources `. STK Parallel Computing Server 2.5 =================== Minor bug fixes and improvements. STK Parallel Computing Server 2.4 =================== * Fixed a bug where :code:`task.properties` would become inaccessible if an exception occured during the task's execution. * Using :code:`task.properties[TaskProperties.HOST_START_TIME]` and :code:`task.properties[TaskProperties.HOST_END_TIME]` now return the correct start and end times of a task's execution on its host process. * An optional boolean, :code:`listen_for_cancellation_event`, can now be passed as an argument to :code:`job.cancel()` to match the expected behavior described in Method 2 of the "Cancel Job And All Its Child Tasks" section of the documentation. STK Parallel Computing Server 2.3 =================== Updated to work with Ansys licensing. STK Parallel Computing Server 2.2 =================== Updated for version 2.2 of the STK Parallel Computing Server Coordinator and Agent services, which are now available on Linux. STK Parallel Computing Server 2.1 =================== The minimum required version of Python has been increased to Python 3.6. STK Parallel Computing Server 2.0 =================== The first release of the API for Python!