ModelCenter Integration

ModelCenter-related features only function if you have valid licenses for the corresponding ModelCenter applications. If you acquired Behavior Execution Engine as part of ModelCenter Enterprise, you already have all the necessary licenses. If you acquired Behavior Execution Engine as part of STK Enterprise, you will need to separately acquire the ModelCenter licenses.

ModelCenter provides a variety of ways to connect engineering analyses together, including using SysML models for Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE). Using ModelCenter with Behavior Execution Engine can enable you to collaborate across domains and skill sets without everyone having to understand all the details of each analysis. For example, system engineers can focus on the SysML model and the engineering workflow, while subject-matter experts focus on using specific analysis tools. There are two main ways you can use ModelCenter with Behavior Execution Engine, though in either case, only primitive value types (boolean, integer, double/real, and string) are supported for passing values to and from ModelCenter:

  • ModelCenter calls Behavior Execution Engine: In a ModelCenter engineering workflow, use a Behavior Execution Engine component to specify inputs, execute a SysML simulation, and retrieve results.
  • Behavior Execution Engine calls ModelCenter: In a Behavior Execution Engine simulation, use an operation to specify inputs, execute a ModelCenter script or workflow, and retrieve results.

For more details on ModelCenter products, see the ModelCenter product page.

ModelCenter workflow calls Behavior Execution Engine

ModelCenter provides a Behavior Execution Engine component plugin for use in engineering workflows. This component enables you to specify input and output properties of the instance specifications in a SysML simulation. When executing a workflow with this component, ModelCenter starts Behavior Execution Engine and passes in the input values to run the simulation. It then reads the output values before continuing the workflow. You can view these outputs directly or use them downstream in the workflow to evaluate your measures of effectiveness or other trade-space metrics you want to analyze.

For more details, see the help topic on running simulations in ModelCenter .

Behavior Execution Engine calls ModelCenter MBSE operations

ModelCenter MBSE provides a way to execute a ModelCenter workflow (or script) as the backing opaque behavior of a SysML operation. The parameters and return values of the operation enable you to pass values between your SysML simulation and the workflow. You can use ModelCenter MBSE like this to provide an implementation for an operation without having to write a Java delegate for it.

For each SysML block operation specification that uses ModelCenter MBSE, Behavior Execution Engine initializes a separate ModelCenter session at the start of a simulation. This initialization may delay the simulation start by a couple of seconds for each session. During the simulation, Behavior Execution Engine also waits for these operations to complete before continuing. To view these initialization and execution details and timing in the simulation console, set its log filter level to Debug.