Supported SysML Features

Since SysML is a subset of UML with extensions, Behavior Execution Engine supports both SysML structural features as well as UML state machine features when backed by SysML instance specifications.


Behavior Execution Engine supports most core SysML structural elements.

Supported Feature Notes
Blocks and instance specifications
Value, part, and reference properties Value properties can be primitive value types (boolean, real, integer, or string), ISO-80000-3 space and time value types, or custom value types (including custom units).
Operations Behavior Execution Engine does not support in or inout parameter types.


Behavior Execution Engine supports most core UML state machine features.

Feature Type Supported Not Supported
Behavior State machines and opaque behaviors All other behavior types, as well as state machine redefinition
States Nested and composite states, as well as entry, exit, and do behaviors1 Submachine states
Pseudostates Initial, junction, choice, and fork/join pseudostates History, entry/exit point, and terminate pseudostates
Transitions Triggers, guards, and effects Local/internal transition differentiation; Behavior Execution Engine treats all transitions as external
Events Completion, absolute and relative time, call, signal, and change events1 Event deferral

1Behavior Execution Engine slightly constrains many of these behaviors and events compared to the UML 2.5.1 specification, so see their respective help topics for more details.