Class StkNamedCoordinateAxes

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.agi.moxie.delegates.base.Thing, com.agi.moxie.delegates.core.CoordinateAxes

    public class StkNamedCoordinateAxes
    extends StkCoordinateAxes
    implements com.agi.moxie.delegates.core.CoordinateAxes
    Represents a simple named coordinate system in STK. The name must be unique to identify this 'Axes' uniquely.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StkNamedCoordinateAxes

        public StkNamedCoordinateAxes​(String name,
                                      agi.stkvgt.IAgCrdnAxes axes)
        name - The unique name (or path) for these Axes in STK.
        axes - The STK axes that define the geometry.
    • Method Detail

      • nameProperty

        public com.agi.moxie.api.models.Property<String> nameProperty()
        Specified by:
        nameProperty in interface com.agi.moxie.delegates.core.CoordinateAxes
        The unique name (or path) for these Axes in STK.