Developing Delegates

Moxie provides you with the ability to integrate APIs from external analysis tools into your simulation. These analysis tools, such as STK, can handle the physics complexities implicitly, without your needing to explicitly build that logic in your system models. The Moxie Engine frees you from the burden of needing to provide the underlying simulation infrastructure; instead, you can focus on the design of your system. You can create custom functionality in this infrastructure by using "delegates".

A delegate is a Java interface or class that represents a one-to-one correspondence between itself and a block in your model. A class delegate contains custom code which implements the properties and operations of a block. This code is executed when the opaque expressions in state machines are evaluated at simulation runtime. Though any arbitrary Java code may exist inside a delegate, you reap the true benefit of Moxie when you use delegates to integrate the analytical rigor of physics-based analysis tools to precisely drive state machine transitions in a simulation.

This topic provides a comprehensive overview of the Moxie delegate architecture. It covers the Java API and various tools we provide to make developing your delegates as painless as possible. We also make special note of how to expose physics-based events in ways that are not feasible or scalable when using No Magic Cameo Simulation Toolkit alone.

For discussion of specific delegate development topics, refer to the following:

Understanding of Java is required for this reference. Custom analysis tools you intend to integrate do not need to be written in Java, but must expose a Java interface.


Please refer to the Troubleshooting Page if you have any issues running your simulation with your custom delegates.