Targeted Attitude Segments
You can build attitude segments for a satellite, missile, or launch vehicle that point along a specific axis at one or more targets. On the Basic Attitude page, select Override Basic attitude for selected targets under Target Pointing. Click to display the TargetSeg window, which enables you to:
assign targets
specify target slews
choose target times
set parameters for segment calculations
This topic provides detailed descriptions of these steps.
You can create a targeted segment as part of a multisegment profile. On the Basic Attitude page, select Multi Segment from the menu in the upper left. Then, select Target Segments and click . Segment specification then follows the same steps as described on this page.
Assigning targets
In the TargetSeg window, select each object that you wish to assign as a target in the Available Targets list and click the right arrow () to move it to the Assigned Targets list. To move a target out of the Assigned Targets list, select it and click the left arrow button (
). You can also move objects from one list to the other by double-clicking them.
Target slew
Click to define slews from the basic attitude to a target pointing attitude and back to the basic attitude. Select a Slew mode and enter the parameters. The table below provides descriptions of the Slew Mode options.
Target scheduling
In the TargetSeg window, click Target Times window.
to specify the start and stop times of target pointing intervals. For further details, seeAdvanced
Click Access Options window. In this window you can set parameters related to event detection, light time delay, step size control, and signal path to be used in new access computations.
in the TargetSeg window to open theTarget pointing data
Click in the TargetSeg window to view the Target Pointing Data window. The default target pointing attitude has the Z body axis aligned along the line-of-sight vector to the target and the X axis constrained to a minimum angle from the relative velocity vector. The defaults are specified in Cartesian coordinates, but you can choose spherical, Euler, or PR. To change the body axes associated with the Aligned Vector and Constrained Vector, enter values for the coordinate system parameters. The Constrained Vector uses the relative velocity as a default Reference. Change the Reference by clearing Use default and clicking to choose another.
If you have more than one target, a check box at the top of the Target Pointing Data window gives you the option to apply this configuration to all targets.