Urban and Terrestrial Models

Two-Ray Atmospheric Model (Fourth-Power Law)

This propagation model applies to short-range and low antenna heights for the transmitter and the receiver antennas. For more information, see Two Ray (Fourth Power Law) Model.

You can apply the model to transmitters and receivers on any central body, as long as both terminals are on the same central body surface and satisfy the basic conditions of low antenna heights and short distances.

The scenario central body may be different from the central body of the objects. Take care to configure the position and altitude of the objects with respect to their correct central body.

Loss Factor

Loss Factor is a discretionary multiplier that you can use to make adjustments for additional conditions in the link path that STK isn't already accounting for. For example, if you know that the path has thick vegetation that will result in more loss, you can use the loss factor to help account for it. Valid values for the loss factor in STK range from 0.1 to 10.0, and the default value is 1.0.