Additional Radar Constraints

SAR Constraints

The following SAR property pages enable you to apply of a variety of constraints on synthetic aperture (SAR) radar.

Property page Description
SAR These parameters correspond to the main channel (SAR).
SAR w/ Jamming These parameters correspond to the main channel under jamming. For more information on the effects of jamming on constraints, see Constraints with Jamming.
SAR OrthoPol These parameters are enabled when you select orthogonal polarization for the receiver side.
SAR OrthoPolJam These parameters are enabled when you select orthogonal polarization for the receiver side. For more information on the effects of jamming on constraints, see Constraints with Jamming.

You can extend the STK Radar SAR computation and constraints with the Search/Track plugin constraint. See SAR User Plugin.

Except for Sigma N (below), SAR constraints are available only if SAR mode is enabled in the radar's Basic properties (SAR page).

To constrain SAR performance, select one or more of the following parameters and enter a minimum and/or maximum values for each one.

Option Description
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio for the SAR radar
CNR Clutter-to-noise ratio for the SAR radar
SCR Signal-to-clutter ratio for the SAR radar
Sigma N The effective backscatter coefficient of the additive noise
PTCR The point target-to-clutter ratio for the SAR radar
Integration Time The fixed integration time or time to achieve the desired azimuth resolution, depending on the setting of the analysis mode when defining the radar; mutually exclusive with Azimuth Resolution constraint
Azimuth Resolution The fixed azimuth resolution or the resolution achievable within the desired integration time, depending on the setting of the analysis mode when defining the radar; mutually exclusive with the Integration Time constraint
Area Rate The coverage rate of the SAR; Min and/or Max area rate as the ratio of the selected distance unit squared to the selected time unit
Image Area The image area of the SAR

SAR User Plugin

The SAR User Plugin constraint extends STK Radar performance computations. You can create a SAR plugin script using MATLAB or VB. STK interfaces with the script and provides updated object geometry, Vector Geometry Tool (VGT) data, and radar performance data at each time step of the scenario execution. The script uses the STK-supplied data to compute a new parameter and return the value to STK. For more information, see Custom Plugins for Radar Search/Track and SAR Constraints.

Option Description
File Select Min to enable the plugin constraint option and browse to the plugin script file. A fully functional template (VB_RadarSARNIIRSConstraint.vbs) is provided for your use. All STK inputs to the script and the output from the script are already programmed in the template. A simple data model is programmed as an example. You can replace the template example model with your own model equations. The radar-target geometry data and VGT data is independent of the radar's operational mode and is supplied to the SAR plugin script.
Min/Max If the constraint data needs to limit the access visibility intervals, enter the appropriate minimum and/or maximum values.
Exclude Time Intervals Excludes the time intervals during which the constraint is satisfied.