ASCII Data Element Configuration File
An ASCII Data Element Configuration file enables you to define the number of elements and their placement through an external file.
Keyword | Description |
AsciiDataElementPattern v1 | Indicates the data format and version of the data format. This is a required keyword and must be the first line in the file. |
Element Positions | Provide one element position per line, specified as a space-separated pair of numbers: x y, where x and y are in number of wavelengths (lambdas). For elements specified in the file, assign an ID starting with 0 for the first x,y pair read in and ending with an ID of N-1, with N-1 for the Nth x,y pair. Element positions are expected to be on a rectangular grid or a triangular grid. |
Lines in the file starting with a hash symbol (#) are treated as a comment line. The uncommented lines represent the following:
The first uncommented line is a tag indicating the type of file followed by the file format version.
The remaining uncommented lines are positions of the elements with following format:
(x0) (y0)
(x1) (y1)
... ...
(xi) (yi)
where (xi) (yi) represent the position of ith element in wavelenghts (lambdas) and 0,0 is at the mechanical boresight.
The following is an example file for a seven-element linear array:
#This is a sample of a seven-element ULA with 0.5 spacing. AsciiDataElementPattern v1 -1.5 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.5 0.0