Sensitivity Time Control (STC) Map File

Enables you to define a Radar Sensitivity Time Control (STC) in an external file.

STK data in the external STC file is not interpolated. Each STC attenuation value is in effect until the end of the range for that step. For example, as shown in the STCRange.txt sample STC file, the STC attenuation value at 2 nmi is 18 dB. This attenuation value will remain in effect until the range exceeds 2.5 nmi, then it will remain at 16 dB until the range exceeds 3 nmi. STC attenuation is implemented as a step value.

STC Keywords

Keyword Description

STCRangeMap v1


STCAzimuthRangeMap v1


STCElevationRangeMap v1

Indicates the STC map type and version of the data format: STCRangeMap v1, STCAzimuthRangeMap v1, or STCElevationRangeMap v1.

This keyword is required and must be the first line in the file.

All formats support the following common keywords to facilitate the data import.

AngleUnits {Radians | Degrees }

Default angles are Degrees.

RangeUnits {Meters | Kilometers | Miles | NauticalMiles } Default units are in Nautical Miles.
NumberOfRangePoints Number of range points.
NumberOfAzimuthPoints Number of azimuth points. (Applicable for Azimuth Range map only.)
NumberOfElevationPoints Number of elevation points. (Applicable for Elevation Range map only.)

For STCRangeMap type, the STCData file format is 2 columns.

Range Attenuation (dB)

For STCAzimuthRangeMap type, the STCData file format is 3 columns.

Azimuth Range Attenuation (dB)

For STCElevationRangeMap type, the STCData file format is 3 columns.

Elevation Range Attenuation (dB)

Sample STC Files