Reviewing Reports & Graphs for a Coverage Definition Object
There are several reports and graphs available for coverage definition objects through the Inspector. If you select Region in the Action field, the following reports and graphs are available to you once you specify a location using your mouse in the graphics window:
If you select Point in the Action field, the following reports and graphs are available to you once you specify a location using your mouse in the graphics window:
Those styles with an asterisk (*) after the style name are available as both graphs and reports.
Region Coverage
The Region Coverage report or graph provides a summary of coverage for the region selected in the graphics window. The report includes a time-ordered breakdown of the percentage of the region covered, area of the region covered, percentage of accumulated coverage and accumulated area of coverage. The covered area is computed by summing the areas represented by covered points within the region.
Region Full Coverage
The Region Full Coverage report or graph provides a summary of the coverage intervals for the selected region, including access start and end times, duration of each interval and the percentage of the region covered during each pass. The intervals of full coverage correspond to intervals when all points within the region are covered simultaneously.
Region Pass Coverage
The Region Pass Coverage report provides detailed information about the intervals of time when each asset can provide coverage to the selected region. The access start and end times in this report are computed based on the concatenation of the access intervals of the points within the region. In addition to the access periods and associated assets, the percentage of the region covered during each pass is also reported.
An additional report, GI Spliced Region Pass, is available through the Report & Graph Manager when the Grid Inspector is active. This report uses the line-of-sight access intervals from the assets tot he selected region to "splice" together the access intervals from the contained points. This report is useful if the field of view for the assets is smaller that the overage definition grid spacing to avoid many short passes.
Point Coverage
The Point Coverage report and graph detail the accesses for the point selected in the graphics window. Data provided includes access start and end times as well as the duration of the access and the name of the asset providing coverage. Data presented reflects the impact of all access constraints assigned to the assets and grid definition.
Point Daily Coverage
The Point Daily Coverage report details the access times for the point selected in the graphics window. It includes a separate line for each day and the percent of time the point is covered for each one-day period.
Point Probability of Coverage
The Point Probability of Coverage report or graph provides information about the probability of coverage for the point selected in the 2D Graphics window being achieved as a function of the time past a request for coverage. In other words, if you request coverage of the point now, what is the probability that you will have visibility to the point within the next hour, the next six hours or the next day. The probability that coverage is achieved at the instant of the request is the same as the percentage of time that the point is covered. Thus, if the point is covered 20% of the time, then the point will be covered at the time of request 20% of the time, which means that 20% of the time the wait for coverage will be zero. The point has a 100% probability of coverage at a time from request that equals the maximum coverage gap for the point. If the maximum coverage gap for a point is 30 minutes, then the worst case request for coverage would occur at the beginning of the 30 minute coverage gap. In that case, after 30 minutes have elapsed since the time of the request, you are guaranteed to have coverage of the point.
The following figure illustrates the extreme cases: