Introduction to STK Coverage
STK’s Coverage capability enables you to analyze the global or regional coverage provided by one or more assets (e.g. vehicles, facilities, sensors) while considering all access constraints. Specific results are generated based on detailed access computations performed to grid points within an area of coverage. These grid points can be generated by STK based on a resolution you specify or you can specify the location of each point. Coverage also enables you to analyze coverage of individual objects within an STK scenario as provided by one or more additional objects in the scenario.
To address area coverage capabilities, Coverage provides you with two STK object classes: coverage definition () and Figure Of Merit (
). Coverage definition objects enable you to define and maintain an area of coverage, to define the STK objects providing coverage for the area (such as satellites, aircraft and sensors), to define the time period of interest, and to calculate accesses to the region. You can attach Figure Of Merit objects to a coverage definition object; they provide the means for evaluating the quality of coverage provided by the assigned objects (or assets).
Coverage analyses of individual objects can be performed using the Coverage tool. The Coverage tool enables you to assign assets that can provide coverage to the selected object. Once you assign assets to the object, you can easily create reports and graphs describing the basic coverage periods. You can also refine coverage parameters by identifying the way in which coverage is measured and the types of calculations to be performed.
All of this information can be presented visually using the 2D Graphics and 3D Graphics windows. You can set 2D graphics and 3D graphics to show the progress of coverage calculations and to display levels of coverage statically and during animation.
Coverage also enables you to generate textual reports detailing global and regional coverage statistics as well as Figure of Merit statistics. These reports provide information describing coverage ranging from a global scale to the details of coverage for an individual grid point.