Time Dynamic Temperature Profile (TPF)

TPF enables you to specify the body temperature of an EOIR object based on the scenario time. Each pair of numbers is a scenario time and a body temperature in increasing time order on a single line separated by a tab. The temperature between samples will be linearly interpolated so any high frequency changes must be sufficiently sampled to be captured in the simulation. Lines with a leading hash mark will be skipped to allow internal documentation or notes.

Parameter Units Description
Time [s] The scenario time in epoch seconds
Temperature [K] The average body temperature of the EOIR object in degrees Kelvin

Sample file format

# Sample time dynamic temperature profile			
# Time [epoch s]    Temperature [K]
0                   250.00
7200                275.00
14400               293.30
21600               300.00
28800               293.30
36000               275.00
43200               250.00
50400               225.00
57600               206.70
64800               200.00
72000               206.70
79200               225.00
86400               250.00			

Here is an example of a model sine wave that oscillates with a full 24-hour period or 86,400 seconds at an average value of 250° Kelvin and ranges from a minimum of 200° Kelvin to a maximum of 300° Kelvin. According to this TPF, the body temperature of the designated EOIR is sampled every two hours or 7,200 seconds, and with linear interpolation the object would oscillate as shown in the graph below over the 24-hour scenario time period.