Central Body Components
A central body component models the gravitational, atmospheric, ephemeris, and other properties of a celestial body. The catalog of central bodies in STK includes the known planets, the Sun, the Moon, and other bodies of common interest. You can create a new central body component by duplicating an existing component. You can use a duplicated central body component to model that body in a different way than STK models it. You can also define a custom component to model an asteroid, comet, moon, or other body that does not have an STK model.
To view and edit the properties of a central body component, double-click it in the right pane of the Component Browser.
If you duplicate a central body component, you can edit the duplicate's properties. However, you cannot delete the duplicate, as its removal could cause undefined behavior in the application.
A central body component's gravitational characteristics are defined by its gravitational parameter () gravity models.
The Gravitational Parameter value is used in point-mass force models and propagators, and in element set conversions. Enter a value in the selected distance unit cubed, per the selected time unit squared (e.g., km^3/sec^2).
The Gravity Models field displays all the gravity models assigned to the central body. These models will be used to describe the full force model of the central body. You can click to add a new gravity model. To edit the properties of a gravity model that is assigned to the central body, select the model from the menu and click Details... to open the Gravity Model dialog box. The properties that you can define in this dialog box are described in the following table.
Gravity Model Dialog Box Properties
Field | Description |
Gravitational Parameter | The gravitational parameter to be used for this gravity model (e.g., for inclusion in a full force model). Enter a value in the selected distance unit cubed, per the selected time unit squared (e.g., km^3/sec^2). |
Reference Distance | The distance from the center of mass of the central body to its surface. This is approximately the radius of the central body. The default value of this property is usually the Maximum Radius value in the Shape pane of the Central Body dialog box. |
Zonal - J2 | Taking into account first order Earth oblateness effects. |
Zonal - J3 | Taking into account first order longitudinal variations of the Earth's shape. |
Zonal - J4 | Taking into account first and second order Earth oblateness effects. |
Gravity Models for Central Bodies in Astrogator
Central Body |
Model | Description |
Earth | WGS84 EGM96 |
This model uses the coefficients from EGM96 with the shape model of WGS84, of which the defining parameters are:
EGM2008 | Earth Gravity Model 2008, an updated version of the EGM96 model. | |
EGM96 | Earth Gravity Model 1996, a geopotential model of the Earth consisting of spherical harmonic coefficients complete to degree and order 360. Developed jointly by NGA (formerly known as NIMA), NASA Goddard and Ohio State University. | |
GEMT1 | Goddard Earth Model T1. | |
GGM01C | Grace Gravity Model 01C. Derived from Grace data combined with TEG4 information. | |
GGM02C | Grace Gravity Model 02C. Derived from Grace data combined with TEG4 information. | |
JGM2 | Joint Gravity Model version 2, a model that describes the Earth gravity field up to degree and order 70, developed by NASA/GSFC Space Geodesy Branch, the University of Texas Center for Space Research and CNES. | |
JGM3 | Joint Gravity Model version 3, a model that describes the Earth gravity field up to degree and order 70, developed by the University of Texas and NASA/GSFC. | |
WGS84 | World Geodetic System 1984, an Earth-fixed reference frame, including:
WGS84 old | Old version of WGS84. | |
Moon | LP150Q | Lunar Prospector Lunar gravity model. GM = 4.902801076e+012, reference distance = 1,738,000.0 m. The Lunar Prospector Lunar gravity model originates from the Spherical Harmonics Gravity ASCII Data Record (SHGADR) and is produced by the Lunar Prospector Gravity Science Team at JPL under the direction of A.S. Konopliv. |
GL0420A | GRAIL Lunar gravity model. GM: 4.90280012616000e+012, reference distance: 1,738,000 m. | |
GL0660B | GRAIL Lunar gravity model. GM: 4.90280030555540e+012, Reference distance: 1,738,000 m. | |
GL0900D | GRAIL Lunar gravity model. GM = 4.902800222140800e+012, reference distance = 1,738,000.0 m. | |
LP150Q | Lunar Prospector Lunar gravity model. GM = 4.90280107600000e+012 , reference distance = 1,738,000.0 m. | |
LP165P | Lunar Prospector Lunar gravity model. GM = 4.902801056E+12, reference distance = 1,738,000.0 m. | |
ZonalsToJ4 | GRAIL Lunar gravity model. GM: 4.90280030555540e+012, Reference distance: 1,738,000 m. | |
GLGM2 | GM = 4.9028029535968e+12, reference distance = 1,738,000 m. This model was produced by the Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19980018465. |
LP100J | Lunar Prospector Lunar gravity model. GM = 4.902800476e+012, reference distance = 1,738,000.0 m. | |
LP100K | Lunar Prospector Lunar gravity model. GM = 4.902800238e+012, reference distance = 1,738,000.0 m. | |
LP165P | Lunar Prospector Lunar gravity model. GM = 4.902801056E+12, reference distance = 1,738,000.0 m. | |
LP75D | Lunar Prospector Lunar gravity model. GM = 4.902801374e+012, reference distance = 1,738,000.0 m. | |
LP75G | Lunar Prospector Lunar gravity model. GM = 4.902800269e+012, reference distance = 1,738,000.0 m. | |
Mercury | Icarus1987 | GM = 2.203209e+013, reference distance = 2,439,000 m. Anderson, J. J., Colombo, G., Esposito, P. B., Lau E. L., and Trager, G. B. "The Mass, Gravity Field, and Ephemeris of Mercury", Icarus 71, 337-349, 1987. |
Venus | MGNP180U | GM = 3.248585920790000E+14, reference distance = 6,051,000.0 m. |
Mars | GMM1 | GM = 4.28283579647735e+13, reference distance = 3,394,200.0 m. |
GMM2B | GM = 4.28283719012840e+13, reference distance = 3,397,000 m. These numbers came from the GMM-2B model published at http://bowie.gsfc.nasa.gov/926/MARS/GMM2B.html and submitted to Journal of Geophysics Research, November 2000. |
Mars50c | GM = 4.2828370371000e+13, reference distance = 3,394,200 m. | |
MRQ110C | GM = 0.4282837564100000E+14, reference distance: 3,396,000 m. | |
Zonalstoj4 | GM = 4.28282868534000e+013, reference distance: 3,397,000 m. | |
Jupiter | JUP230 | GM = 1.26686535e+017, reference distance = 71,492,000 m. Jacobson, R. A. The JUP230 orbit solution, 2003. There is no ephemeris prior to 2000 for Jupiter and its moons. |
jup230Spice | SPICE gravity coefficients. | |
Saturn | Astron2004 | GM = 3.7931284e+016, reference distance = 60,330,000 m. Jacobson, R. A., "The orbits of the major Saturnian satellites and the gravity field of Saturn from spacecraft and Earthbased observations", submitted to Astronomical Journal, 2004. |
Uranus | ura083Spice | SPICE gravity coefficients. |
Neptune | AstronAstro1991 | GM = 6.835107e+015, reference distance = 25,225,000 m. Jacobson, R. A., Riedel, J. E. and Taylor, A. H. "The orbits of Triton and Nereid from spacecraft and Earthbased observations," Astronomy and Astrophysics 247, 565-575, 1991. |
nep016Spice | SPICE gravity coefficients. | |
Pluto | plu017Spice | SPICE gravity coefficients. |
Callisto | Icarus2001 | GM = 7.179292e+12, reference distance = 2,410,300 m. Anderson, J. D., Jacobson, R. A., McElrath T. P., Moore, W. B., Schubert, G., and Thomas, P. C., "Shape, Mean Radius, Gravity Field, and Interior Structure of Callisto," Icarus 153, 157-161, 2001. |
Europa | Science1998 | GM =3.20272e+012, reference distance = 1,565,000 m. Anderson, J. D., Schubert, G., Jacobson, R. A., Lau, E. L., Moore, W. B., and Sjogren, W. L., "Europa's Differentiated Internal Structure: Inferences from Four Galileo Encounters," Science 281, 2019-2022, 1998. |
Ganymede | Nature1996 | GM = 9.8866e+12, reference distance = 2,634,000 m. |
Io | JGeoRes2001 | GM = 5.96e+12, reference distance = 1,821,600 m. Anderson, J. D., Jacobson, R. A., Lau, E. L., Moore, W. B., and Schubert, G., "Io's gravity field and interior structure," J. Geophysical Research 106, No. E12, 32963-32969, 2001. |
Various | ZonalsToJ4 (Spherical Harmonics Gravity Field) | Gravity model for all central bodies except Sun, Earth, and Moon. |
Parents & children
The Parent field of the Central Body dialog box identifies the parent body of the central body. To substitute a different parent body, click and select a new body.
The Children field lists any celestial bodies for which this central body is the principal source of gravitational influence. For example, if the central body is a planet, this is where any of its moons (that are modeled by components in the scenario) are listed. This field cannot be edited, but you can click to review detailed information about the central body's children.
You can select a shape profile for the central body from the Shape menu. There are three basic shape types in Astrogator, which are described in the following table.
Central Body Shapes
Shape | Parameters |
Sphere | Enter the radius of the spherical central body in the selected distance unit. |
Triaxial Ellipsoid | Enter the Semi-Major Axis, the Semi-Mid Axis, and the Semi-Minor Axis of the ellipsoidal central body in the selected distance unit. |
Oblate Spheroid | Enter the Minimum and Maximum radii of the oblate spheroidal central body in the selected distance unit. When you click OK or Apply, the Flattening Coefficient is displayed in a read-only field. This coefficient is calculated by dividing the minor radius by the major radius and subtracting the quotient from 1:
To add new shape profiles to the central body, click and select them in the dialog box that is displayed. You can select one of these new profiles from the Shape menu, along with the three basic profiles.
To define attitude for a central body, click and select either an IAU 1994 attitude definition or a Rotation Coefficient file type. Click Details... to select a Rotation Coefficient file or to view the properties of an IAU 1994 definition, depending on which option you have selected.
You cannot edit the properties of an IAU 1994 definition using the Component Browser user interface. You must edit IAU 1994 definition files manually, outside of STK.
You can select an ephemeris source for the central body from the Ephemeris menu. The following table describes the central body ephemeris sources provided by Astrogator.
Central Body Ephemeris Sources
Source | Description |
Analytic Orbit | This type of ephemeris source is described in the Analytic orbit ephemeris sources section of this topic, below. |
Ephemeris File | Enter the path and file name of the external ephemeris (*.e) file or click ![]() You can use a satellite to model a comet with Astrogator. Generate the satellite's ephemeris, create a data file, and then use it as the ephemeris source for the central body. |
JPL DE | Ephemerides from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's JPL DE set are used. |
JPL SPICE | The SPICE propagator reads ephemeris from binary files that are in a standard format produced by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for ephemeris for celestial bodies but can be used for spacecraft. |
Planetary Ephemeris | Enter the path and filename of the planetary ephemeris (*.pe) file or click ![]() |
To add ephemeris sources to the central body, click and select them in the dialog box that is displayed. You can select one of these new sources from the Ephemeris menu, along with the basic sources.
Analytic orbit ephemeris sources
To edit the orbital elements of an analytical ephemeris source, select it in the Ephemeris list and click Details.... In the Ephemeris dialog box, enter the Epoch of the source and the Value and Rate (of change) for the classical (Keplerian) orbital elements listed in the following table. These data must be entered with respect to the body's parent, in the parent-inertial coordinate system.
Orbital Elements Properties of an Analytic Orbit Ephemeris Source
Orbital Element | Definition |
Semimajor Axis | One-half the distance along the long axis of the elliptical orbit. Enter a value in the selected distance unit. |
Eccentricity | The ratio of the distance between the two foci of the ellipse and its major axis. Dimensionless. |
Inclination | The angle from the Z axis of the inertial coordinate system to the orbit angular velocity vector. Enter a value in the selected angle unit. |
Right Ascension of Ascending Node | The angle from the X axis of the inertial coordinate system to the point where the orbit crosses the X-Y plane in the +Z direction. Enter a value in the selected angle unit. |
Argument of Periapsis | The angle measured in the direction of the body's orbital motion, and in the orbit plane, from the ascending node to the periapsis of the orbit. Enter a value in the selected angle unit. |
Mean Longitude | The sum of the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node, the Argument of Periapsis, and the Mean Anomaly. Enter a value in the selected angle unit.
Mean Anomaly is the angle, measured from periapsis, of a hypothetical body moving with a uniform speed that is equal to the Mean Motion (i.e., the uniform rate of a body in a circular orbit of the same period). An accurate Mean Longitude Rate is essential, since the propagator uses this value rather than the gravitational parameter of the user-defined central body. |