Power Source Components
Internal Power | Processed Power | Solar Array
Power Source | Description |
Internal Power | Power generated internally. |
Processed Power | Power available from a power processing unit (PPU). |
Solar Array Power | Power generated by a solar array. |
Internal Power Source
The properties that define an internal power source are described in the following table.
Internal Power Source Properties
Attribute | Description |
GeneratedPower | Power generated by the spacecraft from internal sources. |
PercentDegradationPerYear | Degradation factor is (1 - x%/yr)timeSinceRefEpoch |
ReferenceEpoch | Date and time used as a reference epoch for degradation. |
Processed Power Source
The properties that define a processed power source are described in the following table.
Processed Power Source Properties
Attribute | Description |
Load | Power diverted from the power source and unavailable to the PPU. |
Efficiency | Efficiency of the PPU unit. |
InputPowerSource | Source of power available to the PPU. |
Solar Array Power Source
The Solar Array Power Source calculates one parameter, Power:
Where Fth is the Thermal Model Factor, D is the degradation factor (measured from the reference epoch), CE% is CellEfficiencyPct, AE% is ArrayEfficiencyPct, and ISL is the angle InclinationToSunLine. Flux is defined as:
where Fau is the solar flux at 1 au (from the central body file), and Rs is the apparent distance to the sun.
The properties that define a solar array power source are described in the following table.
Solar Array Power Source Properties
Attribute | Description |
Area | Solar array panel area. |
Concentration | Solar array concentration factor. |
CellEfficiencyPct | Cell efficiency in producing output power from incident sunlight. |
ArrayEfficiencyPct | Array efficiency in producing output power from a collection of cells. |
PercentDegradationPerYear | The degradation factor is (1 - x)n, where n is the time since epoch in years, and x is the percent degradation per year. |
ReferenceEpoch | Date and time used as a reference epoch for degradation. |
InclinationToSunLine | Angle from the panel normal vector to the apparent sun line. |
ThermalModel.ApproximationFormula | Read-only string that reflects the formula given above. |
Thermal Model Attributes
The Thermal factor is calculated as a function of the distance (in AU) to the Sun:
In this equation, r is the magnitude of the radius vector in AU. You can define the coefficients, ThermalModel.C0 through ThermalModel.C4.